
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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Gestalt events

Gestalt webinars

Deadline:09.05.2023r. - 09.05.2023r.

Leader:Rafael Cortina

Serdecznie zapraszamy na bezpłatny webinar z Rafaelem Cortiną. Bezpłatny webinar z Rafaelem Cortiną – opis wydarzenia: The webinar can serve as an introduction to the June workshop. Allows you...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:16.06.2023r. - 18.06.2023r.

Leader:Rafael Cortina

Healing trauma and promoting recovery in a Gestalt approach – Rafael Cortina Uzdrawianie traumy – Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt zaprasza na wydarzenie! Healing Trauma – a description of the Workshop with...

Gestalt webinars

Deadline:11.07.2023r. - 11.07.2023r.

Leader:Peter Philippson

Serdecznie zapraszamy na bezpłatny webinar z Peterem Philippsonem! Free webinar with Peter Philippson – description: In the “self” theory of Gestalt therapy, the self and the other take their form...

Gestalt webinars

Deadline:05.09.2023r. - 05.09.2023r.

Leader:John Gillespie

Serdecznie zapraszamy na bezpłatny webinar z Johnem Gillespie! Free webinar with John Gillespie – event description: Talking about sex, our sexual bodies and personalities can bring to the surface aspects...

Workshops for therapists/psychologists

Deadline:07.09.2023r. - 07.09.2023r.

Leader:Lena Grigoryeva

Consultation webinar for psychological practitioners (psychologists/psychotherapists/psychiatrists) with non-Polish citizenship – Lodz Gestalt School invites you to the event. Webinarium konsultacyjne – opis wydarzenia: A consultation webinar on “Psychological practice in Poland:...

Workshops for therapists/psychologists

Deadline:07.10.2023r. - 07.10.2023r.

Leader:Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt

Psychopharmacotherapy workshop with Agnieszka Brzezinska – Lodz Gestalt School invites you to the event! Workshop on psychopharmacotherapy – issues: BASICS OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY Kilka słów o Agnieszce Brzezińskiej:...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:14.10.2023r. - 15.10.2023r.

Leader:John Gillespie

Working with sexuality. Building a foundation in therapeutic work with E-RO-TY-CON. – John Gillespie. Working with sexuality – a description of a workshop with John Gillespie: What do we...

Workshops for therapists/psychologists

Deadline:20.10.2023r. - 04.03.2023r.

Leader:Dominika Plisiecka

Gestalt dla psychoterapeutów innych modalności – Warsztat z Dominiką Plisiecką – Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt zaprasza na wydarzenie! Gestalt for psychotherapists of other modalities – description: The Gestalt workshop for...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:29.11.2023r. - 30.11.2023r.

Leader:Peter Philippson

Gestalt workshop: Activity in therapy – description: In the Gestalt therapy theory of “self,” the “I” and “other” take their form in the act of contacting, not in a pre-existing “I” that then makes...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:21.01.2024r. - 23.01.2024r.

Leader:Marten Bos

International therapy group LSG-Club: Therapy for therapists. Led by Marten Bos (The Netherlands) For several months we have been working at the Lodz Gestalt School with therapists and therapists from Belarus and Ukraine, taking...

Gestalt Therapeutic Training

Deadline:21.02.2024r. - 25.02.2024r.

Leader:Kamila Biały

Therapeutic training in the Gestalt current – event description: During training, I work with the id (function of it) of group life, and I do not abstract from forms of relational work. Each person...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:01.03.2024r. - 03.03.2024r.

Leader:Małgorzata Cynker

Gestalt Workshop: Working with Loss and Grief – event description: Nevertheless, the issue of death really itches us. It itches all the time, it is always with us, scraping at some inner door, making...

Gestalt webinars

Deadline:06.03.2024r. - 06.03.2024r.

Leader:Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt

Open day at the Lodz Gestalt School – online meeting! We would like to invite you to an open day at our School – the meeting will be held in a remote form! We...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:08.03.2024r. - 08.03.2024r.

Leader:Tara Konrad, Larysa Didkovskaya, Ludmila Batalina, Lena Grigoryeva

Gestalt in Working with Crisis and Trauma – description of the cycle: Unfortunately it happened so that the most massive and multi-level traumatic events in European region happened in Ukraine. Starting from 2014 Ukrainian...

Gestalt Conferences

Deadline:16.03.2024r. - 23.03.2024r.

Leader:Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt

International Online Gestalt Conference: Re-Starting, Re-Thinking, Re-Connecting. Rooting in life – 16 and 23 March 2024 – Lodz Gestalt School and New Gestalt Voices are pleased to invite you to the event. International Online...