Gestalt - Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy - is one of the most popular methods derived from humanistic psychology.

Gestalt, which is one of the leading psychotherapeutic methods, comes from the rich heritage of humanistic psychology. It appeared on the therapeutic scene in 1951 with the publication of “Gestalt Therapy” by Fritz Perls, a landmark work that contributed to the development of a new approach to working with the human mind and emotions.

Fritz Perls, the founder of the Gestalt current, was inspired by various currents of thought, such as psychoanalysis, holism, character psychology and behaviorism. His contribution was not only to draw on these diverse perspectives, but above all to create a holistic approach that sees the human being as an integral part of the world around him, and therapy as a process of integrating this perception. That is, the goal of Gestalt psychotherapy is to help the client understand and accept the various aspects of his or her life experiences and to combine them into a coherent whole. By exploring these experiences, clients can better understand their needs, desires and limitations, allowing them to respond more consciously to life situations and take more authentic action.

More than 70 years after the creation of “Gestalt Therapy,” the book received a Polish translation in November 2022 and is now available for purchase. The translation of “Gestalt Therapy” represents a significant step in the history of this method in Poland, opening the door to a better understanding and practice of this trend of psychotherapy in our country.

This is an important event not only for the therapeutic community, but also for a wide range of people interested in psychology and personal development. With the translation of “Gestalt Therapy,” Polish-speaking readers can learn about the key concepts, techniques and tools of this therapy that can contribute to their own development and understanding of the human psyche.

The publication of the Polish translation of this book reminds us of Fritz Perl’s legacy and the continued relevance and value of Gestalt in the context of contemporary psychological and social challenges. It is also an opportunity to deepen our knowledge of the method and its potential impact on our lives and relationships with others.

“Me is Me, You is You.
I am responsible for my life, you for yours.
I am not in this world to meet your expectations.
Nor you to fulfill mine.
If our paths cross then great,
But if that doesn’t happen, then each of us will walk our own path.
For I will not love myself if I betray myself for you,
Nor will I love you if you are as I want you to be, not as you really are.
Me is Me, You is You.”
-Fritz Perls-.