Gestalt in Working with Crisis and Trauma - Workshop Series designed for psychologists, psychotherapists, volunteers

Modern Gestalt Approach in Working with Crisis and Trauma
8 March 2024 12:00 - 8 March 2024 19:00
Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, 125 Piotrkowska Street, Lodz
Workshop days:
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
6300 zł
For whom:
For gestalt therapists/psychologists/volunteers
Number of hours:
140 (7x20 training hours)
7 x 900 - The first installment is payable within 7 days of submitting the form. The next 6 installments are payable up to 14 days before each meeting from March to December 2024. (Payment to the bank account or PayPal account - Details in the event description)
min 8/max 18
simultaneous translation into Polish
Free choice:
Event description:

Gestalt in Working with Crisis and Trauma – description of the cycle:

Unfortunately it happened so that the most massive and multi-level traumatic events in European region happened in Ukraine. Starting from 2014 Ukrainian colleagues have completed a series of advanced training courses in trauma and crisis from colleagues from all over the world. Ukrainian psychologists from the very first days of Russian invasion to Ukraine were those very supporters to fighters and people in Ukraine who did tremendous work in the most unpredictable and crucial moments.  Since February 24 2022 Ukrainian colleagues daily work with deeply traumatized people and crisis states.

This is an invitation to learn from first front line practitioners, those who have learnt a lot through their professional and personal experiences about trauma and crisis. This is the first program from this team of the most experienced traumatherapists for those living outside of Ukraine.


Gestalt in Working with Crisis and Trauma –Training Program:

«Modern Gestalt Approach in work with crisis and trauma» – program leader – Tara Konrad

The Program aims at psychologists, psychotherapists, volunteers, social health workers who provide services to people experiencing or have experienced traumatic events. The Program participants will get: theoretical knowledge how to work with trauma and crisis in gestalt approach; practical skills in work with people going through trauma and crisis; raised awareness about identity issues in the face of trauma and crisis; toolkit of work with professional burn-off syndrome and prevention. The Program consist of 7 3-day seminars focusing on different aspects of work with trauma and crisis. The format of work is both training and personal explorative (no video is planned to be taken). The practical cases of work with traumatic experiences and crisis situations will be considered under supervision of experienced trainers.

The trainers team consists of the most experienced trainers from Ukraine: Tara Konrad, Ludmila Batalina, Larisa Didkovska and a trainer from Poland Lena Grigorieva.


Seminar 1: The gestalt approach of nowadays how to work with crisis and trauma. Key terminology of trauma, diagnostics and symptomps. Phenomenology and neurobiology of proccess.

Trainer: Tara Konrad

Date: March 8-10  2024

Seminar 2: Crisis: work with crisis, crisis interventions, challenges and tools.

Trainer: Ludmila Batalina

Dates: April 19-21 2024

Seminar 3: Losses and mourning. Myths in work with the process of mourning. The concept of mourning through gestalt philosophy paradigm.

Trainer: Tara Konrad

Dates: June 7-9 2024

Seminar 4: Identity trauma: cultural, professional, interpersonal. Dignity strengthening as a tool for recovery.

Trainers: Larisa Didkovska and Lena Grigorieva

Dates: July 5-7 2024

Seminar 5: Work with kids and teens in trauma (shock and developmental trauma).

Trainer: Ludmila Batalina

Dates: September 27-29 2024

Seminar 6: Body processes and toolkit for work. The body of a therapist and the body of a client. Aspects of work with lost body wholeness.

Trainer: Tara Konrad

Dates: October 23-25 2024

Seminar 7: Burn-off syndrome. Moral trauma. Vicar trauma.

Trainer: Tara Konrad

Dates: November 29 – December 1 2024


Closed group, no new participants after the 2nd seminar accepted.


Info about trainers:


Tara Konrad (Dnipro/Gdansk)

Gestalt practitioner since 1999, supervisor since 2013. Trainer of Kiev Gestalt University.

Ludmila Batalina (Kiev) MeD and PhD in Clinical Psychology. Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist.

Larisa Didkovska (Lviv)

PhD in Psychology,  gestalt practitioner, president of Ukrainian Association for gestalt therapy.

Lena Grigorieva (Lodz)

Psychologist, gestalt practitioner. Trainer, international training programs’ manager of Lodzka Szkola Gestalt, supervisor (Instituto di Gestalt HCC – Italy). Member of IAAGT/ regional development committee member, EAGT/ HR&Social Responsibility Committee member. Director of New Gestalt Voices (Great Britain).

Sign up

The registration deadline was on 8 March 2024 00:00