
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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Gestalt webinars

Gestalt webinars are a modern and effective way of gaining knowledge and skills in the Gestalt movement. For therapists, psychotherapists and psychologists who wish to deepen their understanding of this therapeutic philosophy, webinars are an excellent option. During these interactive online classes, participants can attend presentations given by experienced Gestalt experts, as well as exercises and discussions. Webinars allow the flexibility to adapt learning to one’s own schedule, eliminating the need to travel and allowing access to knowledge from anywhere.

Gestalt webinars – objectives

Through webinars, therapists and psychotherapists can gain new knowledge, improve practical skills and develop their therapeutic abilities. It is an innovative and convenient option to continuously improve the quality and effectiveness of professional work, combining theory and practice in a comfortable online environment.Webinars held at the Lodz Gestalt School are events to consider when looking for Gestalt development classes in a “free choice” format.

Gestalt webinars

Deadline:12.06.2024r. - 12.06.2024r.

Leader:Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt

Dzień otwarty w Łódzkiej Szkole Psychoterapii Gestalt – spotkanie online! Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych na wyjątkowe wydarzenie – nasz Dzień Otwarty online w Łódzkiej Szkole Psychoterapii Gestalt, który odbędzie się 12 czerwca 2024 roku....