Gestalt School applications - recruitment - application form - requirements - costs -Developmental Stage I and School Stage II.

Applications to the Gestalt School – Recruitment: applications are accepted through the form, which is available on our website. Filling it out is essential for a full application. Please read the enrollment procedure carefully.


Stage I – Development Year (Year 0)

Edition 8 – START: OCTOBER 2024

You are cordially invited to join the 1st Stage of the 8th Edition of the Lodz Gestalt School. With Group 8, we start on 24.10.2024. The convention will begin with four days of interpersonal training with elements of psychoeducation and integration.

Schedule of classes of the School of Psychotherapy – Stage I Development Year – Group VIII: start in October

Edition 9 – START: NOVEMBER 2024

You are cordially invited to join the 1st Stage of the 9th Edition of the Lodz Gestalt School. With group 9, we start on 28.11.2024. The convention will begin with four days of interpersonal training with elements of psychoeducation and integration.

Schedule of classes of the School of Psychotherapy – Stage I Development Year – Group IX: start in November

  • Applications are accepted via a form available on the School’s website.
  • The application should be accompanied by a resume.
  • We also accept enrollment by phone, but then you must also send the form and your resume by email.
  • The decision on admission, candidates receive within 1 day of sending the application.
  • The school then prepares and sends a contract with a payment schedule.
  • Candidates have 7 days to return the completed and signed contract and pay the registration fee (First installment for the school).
  • After this time, the participant receives a message from the School requesting confirmation of participation, and when the message remains unanswered, the School removes the candidate from the list of participants, freeing up space for other interested parties.
  • Koszt Etapu Rozwojowego: 
    • PLN 15,200 by payment
    • 1 installment – entry fee 4200 PLN
    • 10 installments – PLN 1100 per month

Stage II – School Stage (1-3)

Edition 3 – START: SEPTEMBER 2024.

You are cordially invited to join the 3rd Edition of Stage II of the Lodz Gestalt School. With Group III we start on 26.09.2024. The convention will begin with four days of interpersonal training with elements of psychoeducation and integration.

Schedule of classes of the School of Psychotherapy – Stage II School Stage – Group III: start in September

  • Applications are accepted through the application form.
  • The participant has completed Stage I of training at the Lodz Gestalt School or at another School of the same modality.
  • If Stage I of the School was completed at another Institute, it is necessary to send a certificate of completion of Stage I with the signature of the training unit.
  • The participant proceeds tointerview, which ends with a positive decision of the commission on admission.
  • About the interview, trainees will be informed until a few days after the end of Stage I.
  • The participant will learn the result of the interview within 3 working days. If the decision is negative, the committee will provide the reason for the decision and give guidance on what area still needs to be worked on.
  • Cost of Stage II School:
    • PLN 40,200, broken down into payments
    • 1 installment – entry fee of PLN 7200
    • 30 installments – PLN 1100 per month