Regulations of the Lodz Gestalt School - we invite you to familiarize yourself with the content of the regulations. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

The task of the Lodz Gestalt School is to prepare trainees holistically to work as Gestalt Psychotherapists, meeting all the standards of the EAGT Association, under which the School is subordinate. As a result, the participant, after completing the 4-year training process, will be able to apply for the EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) Certificate. 

The training takes place in two stages:

Stage I – The so-called. development year, preparing for the second stage. It is an introduction to Gestalt theory and practice.

Stage II – A 3-year program to acquire competence for psychotherapeutic work.


  • The school declares that a maximum of 16 participants will take part in the psychotherapy workshop of a given group.
  • The School requires a minimum of 10 participants in a Workshop.
  • The School reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the Workshop in the event that the minimum number of Workshop participants necessary to run the Workshop is not collected. In this case, the School will inform the Participant about the next possible date or cancellation of the Workshop.
  • In the case of circumstances related to the epidemic situation affecting the difficulty of conducting the Workshop in a stationary form, it is allowed to change the date or form of classes, including remote form.

Obligations of the Participant

The student agrees to abide by the ethical principles of the EAGT/PTPG code and those set by the Lodz Gestalt School.

  • Consumption of alcohol/substances – Student agrees not to consume alcohol or other substances on the School premises, during classes and breaks between classes. (Much of the learning is related to engaging in one’s own deep inner process. All substances that alter consciousness in any way impede this process, and at times cause danger).
  • Entering into intimate relationships in a group-When individuals within one training group decide to be in an intimate/close relationship with each other, one of the individuals is required to change groups. (There can be no close people in the same training group: couples, siblings, parents-children, close friends, etc.).
  • Smoking cigarettes/e-cigarettes – the participant agrees not to smoke cigarettes/e-cigarettes in the School building and on the School premises, but only in places specifically designated for this purpose.
  • Informing about important issues related to one’s own safety- The student undertakes to inform the School about anything they consider important in terms of their own safety (e.g. chronic illnesses, psychiatric treatment, etc.).

The Workshop participant further undertakes to:

  • participation in the activities included in the Workshop’s program
  • timely payments related to participation in the Workshop
  • The participant declares that they have familiarized themselves with the Code of Professional Ethics of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), its content in its entirety is known to them and undertakes to abide by the provisions contained therein (Annex No. 2 to the agreement)
  • The participant acknowledges that the materials received from the School as part of the Workshop may not be copied or reproduced without permission of the authorized persons, or used in any other way that infringes the copyright of the authorized entity.
  • The participant is required to participate in at least 230 academic hours of the Workshop’s activities at Stage I, and all hours of activities at Stage II of the training.
  • The participant is obliged to pay in full the fees specified in the Agreement.
  • In a justified case, the Participant has the opportunity to supplement the classes they did not attend for a fee in order to achieve the number of teaching hours necessary to obtain a certificate of completion of the Workshop.

Liabilities of the School

  • The School undertakes to notify the Participant at least 2 weeks in advance by email of a change in the date or form of the class (e.g., using electronic communication).
  • The School undertakes to issue the Participant with a certificate of completion of the Workshop, provided that all obligations of the Participant are met
  • The school undertakes to provide:
    • teaching staff certified as Gestalt psychotherapists;
    • administrative and technical services of the Workshop.
    • access to educational materials in the form of brochures/presentations

The School does not provide lodging, parking, or meals for the Participant during the Workshop period, nor does it bear the cost of the Participant’s transportation to classes.

The student will find information on accommodation, parking and access to the School’s Headquarters on the Lodz Gestalt School website:


Parking lots:



  • Suspension of training– The participant in justified cases has the possibility to suspend the training for a period of several months or longer. They are obliged in such a situation to inform the School in writing, i.e. either electronically or by letter. Suspension of training is tantamount to suspension of payment for the School. Once a participant decides to return to classes, the School will allow them to join the next group. The student resumes payments for training according to the payment schedule of the group they join.
  • Communication and Complaint Procedure– The school is always ready for dialogue. In a conflict situation, we invite you to talk ( with trainers, supervisors, people involved in the organization). Each conflict situation is handled on an individual basis. The student shall submit any complaint in writing, i.e. electronically or by letter and sends it to the School’s mailing or email address: [email protected] The School shall consider the complaint within one month from the date of its submission. The Lodz Gestalt School, in accordance with EAGT requirements, implements the Complaints and Complaints Procedure. Taking into account the obliquity of the relationship between the person in the role of the Student and representatives of the School, which is the evaluating institution, the Lodz Gestalt School stipulates that in a situation of conflict that is difficult to resolve in dialogue, the Student may turn to a person independent (financially, organizationally) from the School, an experienced Gestalt therapist, who will be ready to support the Student in presenting his arguments. Such a person is John Gillespie. Students can contact him by writing to [email protected].
  • The principle of not mixing roles
    • The Lodz Gestalt School adopts the principle that therapists who are part of the coaching/supervision team do not accept students of the School for individual therapy.
    • A person who is (in a given year) in a given group a supervisor within the framework of school supervision, cannot be in the same group (in the same year) a trainer who conducts classes.
  • The educational part and the process part of the classes – Among other things, each student learns by exploring their own experience, hence the content they bring will serve to deepen their knowledge of gestalt theory and integrate it with their experience.
  • Multistage verification of readiness to become a psychotherapist – at the Lodz Gestalt School, dialogue and feedback are an ongoing process. At each stage of training, trainers and supervisors verify the readiness and skills of the Student to become a psychotherapist. Starting training does not guarantee becoming a psychotherapist. In case of doubts about the Student’s readiness to stay in the training process, the person will be informed about them, receive full feedback and recommendations for further development activities. In situations requiring it, the School reserves the right to decide to suspend the Student’s studies until certain requirements are met. Each such situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis with sensitivity to a person’s feelings, respect for him and with great concern for his safety.
  • Information flow on Students between trainers and supervisors – When a student begins the training process at the Lodz Gestalt School, he or she decides that at each stage, they are evaluated. Trainers and supervisors work as a team. They share reflections and insights on the Participants’ development and readiness to become therapists. A psychotherapy school is not the same as support groups or therapy groups.

Exclusion of the Participant

Exclusion of a Participant by the School from the Workshop may occur if:

  • the Participant’s acts or omissions violate the Code of Professional Ethics of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT);
  • by their action or omission, the Participant persistently or blatantly obstructs or prevents the conduct of classes.
  • by their action or omission, the Participant persistently or grossly endangers the loss of life or health or property of other persons participating in the Workshop
  • the overdue payment of fees or part thereof will be more than 30 days. Removal from the list of participants of the Training will be preceded by a call for payment of outstanding fees within 7 days from the date of delivery of the above-mentioned. summons to the residential address indicated by the Participant.

Mailing addresses/contact:

Piotrkowska 125, 90-430 Łódź

Tel. 575 591 555 or 793 427 777

[email protected]