Working hours of the Lodz Gestalt School - duty hours - contact to people who can always be reached for any information

Working hours of the Lodz Gestalt School

One of the assumptions of the Lodz Gestalt School is to enable contact with people responsible for different areas of the School’s functioning. Below are the contacts of the people you can always contact for more information.

Kontakt z koordynatorką:

The person responsible for the office and all administrative matters is Ewelina Paszkiewicz Ewelina. He is on stationary duty on all Fridays on the dates when classes are held from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. During this time, he will personally answer any questions related to the School. In addition, Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm is available both by email:

  1. [email protected]
  2. As well as by phone: 575 591 555.

Ewelina Paszkiewicz-Pietruczuk is a dedicated person who ensures the smooth functioning of the office and provides the necessary information and support to all interested parties. Thanks to her commitment and availability, participants can quickly and efficiently handle all administrative matters related to the Gestalt School.

Feel free to contact us!

Kontakt z Dyrekcją Łódzkiej Szkoły Gestalt

To schedule a meeting with the Directorate, contact the Lodz Gestalt School office in advance. The office will set a date for the meeting and get back to you with a response.

Feel free to contact us!

Godziny pracy Łódzkiej Szkoły Gestalt Kontakt z administracją:

Should there be any difficulty in contacting Ewelina Paszkiewicz-Pietruczuk, the School offers an alternative phone number to the administration: Adrianna Krawczyk – 793 427 777

Feel free to contact us!

We are always ready to provide assistance and support to all interested parties and our students in any matter. Whether you are an external stakeholder or a participant in our school, our doors are always open to you. We provide professional service and our full commitment to answer your questions, address your concerns or discuss your needs. Our office team is available to schedule a meeting with the Directorate or to provide any necessary information. We count on your needs and strive to provide the best support so that you can achieve your educational and development goals.