On-call duty at the Lodz Gestalt School: one of the objectives of the Lodz Gestalt School is to allow contact with those responsible for various areas of the School’s operation. Below are the contacts of the people you can always contact for more information.

Contact the office of the Lodz Gestalt School

The person responsible for the office and all administrative matters is Ewelina Paszkiewicz – Pietruczuk. She is on stationary duty on all Fridays on the dates when classes are held from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. During this time, she will personally answer any questions related to the School.

In addition, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. is available both by email: [email protected] as well as by phone: 575 591 555.

Feel free to contact us!

Contact the Directorate of the Lodz Gestalt School

To schedule a meeting with the Directorate, contact the Lodz Gestalt School office in advance. The office will set a date for the meeting and get back to you with a response.

Feel free to contact us!