Program of the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy - Stage II. Class topics and detailed descriptions of classes of Stage II of the Lodz Gestalt School

Program of the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy – Stage II – Class topics:

As part of Stage II, we have prepared fascinating class topics that cover a wide range of issues related to gestalt practice and a deeper understanding of the human psyche and relationships. The program of the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy – Stage II focuses on interactive, practical classes that will enable you to develop your therapeutic skills and reflect on your own experiences.

Together we create a space for growth, exploration and creative work on ourselves and with others. We encourage you to learn more about our class topics and join our dynamic community, where learning opportunities and support go hand in hand.

You are cordially invited to participate,

The team of the Lodz Gestalt School

Program of the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy: topics of classes – year 1.

  1. Interpersonal training with elements of integration
  2. History and roots of Gestalt, code of ethics
  3. Diagnosis – a comparative approach and psychopathology
  4. Self theory
  5. The cycle of experience
  6. Mechanisms for entering contact/style of contact
  7. The therapeutic process and the structure of the therapy session
  8. Experimentation in individual psychotherapy
  9. Resistance work according to Enright
  10. Supervision and credit for therapeutic practice

A detailed description of the Year 1 Second Stage School program is available HERE.

ŁSG program: class topics – year 2.

  1. Embodied self
  2. Man and the environment: human development in Gestalt terms
  3. Gestalt therapist in the therapeutic relationship with the client
  4. Sexuality in the therapeutic relationship
  5. Working with LGBTQ+ people
  6. Gestalt perspective in psychopathology: health vs. illness
  7. Gestalt perspective in psychopathology: personality disorders – borderline, narcissism, schizoid personality
  8. Gestalt perspective in psychopathology: neurotic and psychosomatic disorders
  9. Gestalt perspective in psychopathology: psychosis, depression
  10. Credit

A detailed description of the Year 2 Second Stage School program is available HERE.

ŁSG program: class topics – year 3.

  1. Working with sleep
  2. Research methods in Gestalt practice
  3. Working with adolescents
  4. Working with steam
  5. Working with trauma
  6. Gestalt work with addictions
  7. Group process and group experiment
  8. Working with grief
  9. Other therapeutic approaches versus Gestalt: systemic therapy, psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral approaches, other currents
  10. Credit

A detailed description of the Year 3 Second Stage School program is available HERE.