
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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Lodz School




The School of Gestalt Psychotherapy in Lodz invites you to participate in the Developmental Year. Open enrollment for the group starting classes in November (start 28.11.2024). We also invite you to enroll in Stage II of the School of Psychotherapy (1-3) Open enrollment for the September group (start 26.09.2024).

About us


Welcome to the Lodz Gestalt School

We invite you to participate in a comprehensive 4-year Gestalt psychotherapy course. Lodz Gestalt Schoolconducts classes in the 1+3 mode (Development Year and Three-Year Psychotherapeutic Skills Training Program).
We recruit all year round.

We invite you to participate in the activities of the Development Year.
As of today, we have open recruitment for our groups starting in April (starting 25.04.2024) and May (starting 23.05.2024).

We invite you to participate in the classes of the 2nd Stage of the Gestalt School - the School Stage.
As of today, we have open recruitment for the 3rd edition of the II stage of the school (starting 26.09.2024)

All formalities and the school program meet the requirements of the EAGT Association.
Łódź School of Gestalt Psychotherapy is a member of EAGT.

Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt szary pasek aktualności

We invite you to learn about all the news, events, workshops, new enrollments at the Lodz Gestalt School. We make sure that you have access to Gestalt-related events on our website.

Kamil Torczewski – experience: He has been working with other people since 2001 – in didactics, coaching, and psychotherapy. His search for his own therapeutic path has led him m. in. by the Institute...

Gestalt workshop: gender in the relational field in Gestalt psychotherapy – Anika Wycislik-Wilson “Your task is not to look for love, but only to look for and find in yourself all the barriers you...

The Gestalt School of Lodz would like to wish you the following On the occasion of the end of the year and the beginning of the year, we wish you to gently close what...

Informujemy, że w dniach od 23.12.2024 do 6.01.2025 Szkoła jest zamknięta, a wszystkie sprawy formalne można załatwiać zdalnie: Zapraszamy do kontaktu


Marten Bos, Kamil Torczewski – Gestalt workshop for men: A man’s journey – consciousness, identity, relationships. There are many expectations in the world about “how to be – and behave – as a man.”...

Dr. Adam Kincel – Gestalt Workshop: Gender in the Cabinet – relational therapy in the areas of masculinity, non-binary and femininity. This two-day, interactive workshop is aimed at relational psychotherapists and counsellors – both...

“Understanding Gestalt” – podcast by Kamil Torczewski, trainer at the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy Kamil Torczewski – experience: He has been working with other people since 2001 – in didactics, coaching, and psychotherapy....

Recruitment for Stage II of the Gestalt Psychotherapy School – E4/R1 is underway, dedicated to those who have completed the Development Year at the Lodz Gestalt School or another Gestalt Institute and wish to...

Edition 10 of the Development Year has been collected! We would like to inform you that recruitment is now closed, with the next one starting in April. We would like to thank everyone who...

After a series of workshops with Marten Bos, Lena Grigorieva shares her thoughts: The last workshop meeting of the project for forced migrants was held on November 10-12. It was attended by 18 women...

Online group supervision in the Gestalt current with Joanna Sawicz is a group dedicated especially to young trainee psychotherapists and psychotherapists in training. In addition, this group may also be of interest to psychotherapists...

Recruitment for the 11th edition of the Gestalt Development Year – Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy The Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy announces recruitment for the 11th edition of the Gestalt Development Year (Year...

Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt szary pasek aktualności