
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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Gestalt workshops

Gestalt workshops are fascinating and interactive developmental activities that are an excellent option for therapists, psychotherapists and psychologists seeking a form of ‘free choice’ for their professional development. The Gestalt strand emphasises a holistic approach to personal and professional development. This class allows participants to deepen their understanding of this therapeutic philosophy, improve practical skills and explore new techniques for working with clients. Through practical exercises, reflection and dialogue with other professionals, participants can enrich their therapeutic tools and develop their capacity to work with clients in different contexts. The workshops are inspiring, mobilising and allow for personal and professional growth, representing a valuable investment in developing therapeutic competence.

Gestalt workshops – ‘free choice’ activities

Below are the workshops we encourage you to consider when looking for Gestalt development classes in the “free choice” form.

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:28.04.2024r. - 12.11.2024r.

Leader:Marten Bos

Workshop series: constructing life stories in the Gestalt approach – Marten Bos We are pleased to invite colleagues from Belarus and Ukraine who had to leave their practices and homes in their native countries...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:24.05.2024r. - 25.05.2024r.

Leader:Jacek Panster

Gestalt Workshop: MOVE TO CON/TACT. Kinesthetic sense of self in gestalt therapy – Jacek Panster. “Everywhere in the world, self begins with the body.” – Roy Baumeister “I move, therefore I am.” – Haruki...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:22.06.2024r. - 23.06.2024r.

Leader:Rafael Cortina

Gestalt workshop: Understanding trauma and addiction in a relational Gestalt approach – Rafael Cortina Traumatic childhood and life events shape the way individuals view themselves and the world, which directly affects relationships, self-perception, coping...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:06.07.2024r. - 07.07.2024r.

Leader:Krzysztof Kościółek, Michał Kupis

Gestalt workshop: psychological help for LGBTQ+ people with Krzysztof Kościółek and Michal Kupis! Workshop Description: We are born and live in a world that makes us assimilate that heteronorm is the natural and only...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:20.07.2024r. - 21.07.2024r.

Leader:Anika Wycislik-Wilson

Gestalt workshop: working with the body in the Gestalt approach – Anika Wycislik-Wilson “When you call me close to tell me your body is not beautiful I want to summon the eyes and hidden...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:17.08.2024r. - 18.08.2024r.

Leader:Krzysztof Kościółek, Michał Kupis

Gestalt workshop: working with transgender and non-binary adolescents – Krzysztof Kościółek and Michal Kupis Workshop Description: We are born into a world that imposes labels on us from the moment we come into the...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:24.08.2024r. - 25.08.2024r.

Leader:Lena Grigoryeva

Gestalt Workshop: Dignity as a Healing Tool in a Relational Approach – The Power of Power: The workshop Gestalt: Dignity as a Healing Tool in a Relational Approach offers an exploration of issues of...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:15.10.2024r. - 16.10.2024r.

Leader:Peter Philippson

Therapeutic work with the theme of aggression – Peter Philippson’s workshop organised in cooperation with the Lodz Gestalt School Nowadays, with wars all over the region, we are witnessing huge levels of aggression among...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:17.10.2024r. - 18.10.2024r.

Leader:Peter Philippson

Aggression: passive, active, creative, destructive. How do you work with the client and with yourself? – Lodz Gestalt School invites you to Peter Philippson’s workshop Human beings are the most aggressive species the world...