The Gestalt Library of the Lodz Gestalt School is stocked with many interesting books on psychology and psychotherapy.

The Gestalt Library at the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy is stocked with many interesting books.

The Lodz Gestalt School is equipped with a library, where Students will find many interesting materials related to the Gestalt current and beyond. Many of the items in the library the school will post on the site in electronic versions. These will be books, articles, magazines, anything that will help to acquire additional knowledge in the field of psychology and psychotherapy. Both in the library located at the Lodz Gestalt School Headquarters and in our online library, materials will be regularly replenished. There is also a reading corner in the School’s library, which will allow our students to read the recommended literature in silence. Our goal is for the library to serve not only an educational and research function, but also a social and recreational one.

Library of the Lodz Gestalt School – rules for borrowing books

  1. Students will be asked to fill out a library card, located in the School’s library.
  2. Students can borrow a maximum of 5 readings at a time.
  3. Students agree to return the books within no more than 1 month after borrowing.

Library opening hours

The Lodz Gestalt School is very keen to ensure that students have regular access to all materials in the field of psychology and psychotherapy, so the library is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Recommended literature –

The Lodz Gestalt School also recommends literature found at On this site you will find only legal, publicly available books, articles or audio/video materials in the field of Gestalt psychotherapy. is a place created for the Gestalt community to facilitate access to knowledge or inspire substantive discussions. In addition, it is open to collaboration and accepts authors’ materials and press releases on events from the world of Gestalt.

The Gestalt Library catalog will certainly make it easier for you to find interesting materials. Everything is arranged in alphabetical order, with gestalt novelties highlighted at the beginning.

Lodz Gestalt School recommends this site without a doubt. We encourage you to read!