Recruitment Stage II to the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy - School Stage. Start of the next edition 26.09.2024 We invite you to sign up!

Recruitment for the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy – Stage II (School Stage) takes place several times a year. All recruitment information will be regularly updated on our website. To enter Stage II, the following conditions must be met:

  • Complete Stage I of training at the Lodz Gestalt School or at another School of the same modality.
  • Obtain a positive decision from the committee on admission after an interview.

All information regarding interview dates can be obtained by email: [email protected] as well as by phone: 575 591 555.

Recruitment to the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy – Stage II – School Stage.

Edition 3 | start 26 SEPTEMBER 2024

Stage II – School Stage consists of 30 assemblies, lasts 3 school years (detailed programs: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3) and can be entered by people with documented completion of Stage I at any Gestalt modality school. The convention will begin with a four-day interpersonal training with elements of psychoeducation and integration. The Lodz Gestalt School will apply for EAGT accreditation, which means that all paperwork and class programs are prepared in accordance with the Association’s requirements. The institute must conduct one 4-year training cycle to enter the accreditation process. The next edition starts on 26.09.2024 and will begin with a four-day integration training.


  1. Applications of Students completing Stage I at the Lodz Gestalt School.

Students, completing Stage I at the Lodz Gestalt School, will be informed directly by the School about the date of the interviews which means that they do not have to fill out an application form from the School’s website.

  1. Applications from Students who have completed a Development Year at another Gestalt Institute
  • We accept applications via the application form available on our website.
  • Using the form, please also send your resume and certificate of completion of Stage I (pdf format) with the signature of the training unit. We recruit candidates on the basis of both documents, as well as they will be necessary for the interview.
  • Stage II is preceded by an interview, which is necessary for admission to Stage II of the Gestalt School. The cost of the call is PLN 150.
  • An interview must be scheduled on one of the given dates, via the application form available on the Gestalt School website. Preferred form of recruitment interview – stationary. The talks will be held at the headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School at ul. Piotrkowska 125.
  • The decision on the admission of candidates is made by the Commission. The participant will learn the result of the interview within 3 working days. If the decision is negative, the committee will provide the reason for the decision and give guidance on what area still needs to be worked on.
  • A positive outcome of the interview results in the School sending the necessary package of documents (contract, class schedule, payment schedule, etc.).

Cost of Phase II

Stage II – a total of PLN 40,200 (can be paid at one time, but this does not entail an additional training discount).

They include:

  • Entry fee in the amount of: PLN 7200 (paid to the School’s account within 7 days of receiving the contract)
  • 30 installments of: PLN 1100 (paid regularly by the 10th of each month, i.e. according to the payment schedule attached to the contract).