Certification: We present the official requirements for EAGT and PTPG certification. - Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy

Gestalt certification refers to a qualification earned in Gestalt therapy or the Gestalt movement, which is one of the methods of psychotherapy and personal development. Gestalt therapy focuses on “here and now” awareness and direct experience. It is a holistic approach that emphasizes a full understanding of the context of a person’s life, as well as the relationship between therapist and client.

The Process of Obtaining a Gestalt Certificate

  1. Education and Training: In order to be certified as a Gestalt practitioner, a person must undergo appropriate training, which usually includes intensive theoretical and practical studies, as well as supervised clinical practice. These programs often last several years and may be offered by therapeutic institutes or psychotherapy schools specializing in Gestalt therapy.
  2. Exams and Supervision: Candidates must pass exams and go through a supervision process, where their therapeutic work is evaluated by experienced Gestalt therapists.
  3. Certification: Upon successful completion of the training program and successful evaluations in the supervision process, the candidate will be certified as a Gestalt therapist.

Importance of the Certificate

Being certified as a Gestalt therapist means that the therapist is well educated and competent in applying Gestalt therapy techniques and methods. Such therapists are prepared to work with clients in a variety of contexts, helping them develop a greater awareness of themselves, their relationships and how to deal with life’s challenges.

Certificates can be issued by various organizations, such as the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), the Polish Society for Gestalt Psychotherapy or other reputable educational and therapeutic institutions.

Gestalt Certification: EAGT – European Association for Gestalt Psychotherapy

EAGT certification requires the completion of 1,450 hours of theoretical and practical training:

Theory and methodology

600 hours of theory and methodology – The school provides the full range of content within the required hours. An hour is considered 60 minutes.

Clinical practice

400 hours of clinical internship – an hour is considered 60 minutes in a group setting and 45 to 50 minutes in an individual setting.

  • The school recommends completing 150 hours of internship in a clinical facility, but this is not a requirement for EAGT certification.
  • Apprentices can begin their apprenticeship after the second year of training (2nd year of Stage II of the School). This must be decided by the supervisor and senior trainer, who give their approval in writing. The trainee receives a model of consent by email or at the School’s secretariat or directly from the supervisor. A model of consent is also included on the school’s website “Consent to start practice” and “Consent to additional practice site”. Consent to begin practice is issued once during the course of training, unless revoked. In this case, the participant must once again request permission from the supervisor and senior trainer. “Consent for additional place” is issued when a participant changes the place of practice, or participates in several places at the same time. The signed consents are delivered by the trainee directly to the School office.
  • In the 2nd year of Stage II of the School, a master’s degree is required to begin psychotherapy practice, which is necessary to graduate from the School and receive a Certificate in the future. The direction of graduation does not matter.
  • The practice period must be spread over at least two years.
  • The workplace where the practice will take place must be approved in writing by the senior trainer and supervisor.
  • The trainee must take an active part in the internship. If he acts only as an observer – the practice will not be credited.

Group therapy

150 hours of group therapy – The school is providing 2 trainings as part of the program (one at Stage I – integration and interpersonal training, and one at Stage II – integration and interpersonal training) – a total of 64 hours. An hour is considered 60 minutes. The participant is required to complete therapeutic training on his own to complete the required number of hours to complete the training, but also as necessary for the certification process. And if the number of hours of group therapy is not enough, the participant has the option of taking several hours of individual therapy for group therapy.

Individual therapy

100 hours of individual therapy – the participant realizes on his/her own

  • Personal therapeutic experience is absolutely essential in working as a Gestalt therapist.
  • Self-therapy means that the trainee becomes a client of an experienced Gestalt therapist.
  • The trainee’s therapist must be an accredited Gestalt therapist, a full member of EAGT and/or PTPG.
  • Personal therapeutic experience must be spread over several years and confirmed in writing.


100 hours of group supervision – an hour is considered 60 minutes in a group setting. Group supervision takes place as part of the training. The school realizes approx. 150 hours of supervision.

50 hours of individual supervision – an hour is considered 50 minutes in a one-on-one setting. Individual supervision is carried out by students on their own. The school recommends starting individual supervision for 1st year students (Stage II) if they already have clients. From the 2nd year of training (Stage II), the start of individual supervision is mandatory.

  • Supervision is a process in which the trainee has a chance to reflect and discuss with an experienced Supervisor about his/her experience in clinical work. It aims to support trainees in their professional development as Gestalt therapists, combining theory and practice, clarifying transference issues, giving vent to fears and learning to take responsibility.
  • Supervision is a central process in the training of Gestalt therapists.
  • Supervision is an educational process conducted by an experienced Gestalt Supervisor accredited by EAGT or PTPG.
  • The supervisor and trainee determine which clients will be supervised.
  • At the end of each superintendency period, in addition to confirming the dates and hours, the Supervisor writes a detailed description that describes the learning process and developmental achievements. The document is signed by both parties. One of the copies is kept in the School office in the student’s credit card.

Additional workshops

50 hours of personal preference so-called. free choice – An hour is considered 60 minutes. The hours must be carried out in the area of Gestalt therapy and should promote the experience of different working styles in this modality. Participants can complete hours at the Lodz Gestalt School, as well as attend workshops offered by other Gestalt institutes. These are contact hours. They can be implemented concurrently with or after the training program. The senior trainer must approve these hours together with the supervisor. These hours must be formally confirmed in writing.

Supplementary classes in psychology:

An additional requirement for obtaining a gestalt certificate for people who are not psychologists or educators is to complete knowledge in the field:

  • Developmental psychology (2 semesters)
  • Personality Theory (1 semester)
  • Psychopathology (1 semester)

The school offers assistance in completing the knowledge of the aforementioned subjects at Stage II Training. Classes must be taught by a lecturer who is fully qualified to teach in an academic mode. Classes will be held outside the program in an online format.

Gestalt Certificate: PTPG – Polish Society for Gestalt Psychotherapy

  1. Have been a member of the PTPG Society for at least 4 months and adhere to the PTPG Code of Ethics.
  2. Completion of higher education, confirmed by a qualification from level VII of PRK (Polish Qualification Framework), i.e., receiving a diploma of completion of a single master’s degree or a second degree.
  3. Completion of 1450 hours of substantive and practical training including:
  • At least 600 hours of theory and methodology
  • At least 400 hours of clinical internship including:
  • At least 150 hours a student must serve in psychiatric wards or emergency rooms attached to a psychiatric unit
  • No more than 250 hours are taken by the student in medical entities, clinics, offices
  • 250 hours of self psychotherapy including:
  • At least 100 hours of individual therapy
  • No more than 150 hours of group therapy
  • 150 hours of supervision
  • 50 hours of workshops, seminars or conferences in the Gestalt convention
  • A case description of a psychotherapeutic process lasting at least a year that has been completed
  • Examination successfully completed