John Gillespie is a gestalt psychotherapist and Founder of New Gestalt Voices. He trained m. in. At the Gestalt Center in London and Cleveland.

John Gillespie – a few words:

John Gillespie

John Gillespie is a Gestalt psychotherapist who trained at the Gestalt Center in London, the Metanoya Centre and also the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland. While still in training, he founded New Gestalt Voices, an organization whose goal is to support the voices of those least likely to be heard in socio-political dialogue, and to bring this to the discussion in the Gestalt community. NGV publishes articles and does workshops on the role of power and related oppression in modern societies. It is an organization that strives for non-hierarchy, promoting the voice of new people, as well as new topics and approaches within our approach. At the same time, it remains in dialogue with existing currents and themes.


John is a qualified gestalt practitioner and psychotherapist (MA Gestalt Therapy/Diploma in Counselling). He is the founder and CEO of New Gestalt Voices. She has extensive experience working with people struggling with early life trauma, loneliness, shame, addictions, relationship difficulties, anxiety/depression, gender/sexuality, grief and questions about life’s purpose.

John Gillespie – education:

John Gillespie graduated from London Gestalt Centre, MA in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Metanoia, MSc in Gestalt Psychotherapy, PHG Reading Group with Perry Klepner, Physical Process Work at Gestalt Institute Cleveland, Working with groups and teams at London Gestalt Centre. He is a certified integrative arts psychotherapist (IATE) and holds a diploma in counseling from the Albany Centre. John has led numerous workshops at conferences so far.