
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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Gestalt workshops

Gestalt workshops are fascinating and interactive developmental activities that are an excellent option for therapists, psychotherapists and psychologists seeking a form of ‘free choice’ for their professional development. The Gestalt strand emphasises a holistic approach to personal and professional development. This class allows participants to deepen their understanding of this therapeutic philosophy, improve practical skills and explore new techniques for working with clients. Through practical exercises, reflection and dialogue with other professionals, participants can enrich their therapeutic tools and develop their capacity to work with clients in different contexts. The workshops are inspiring, mobilising and allow for personal and professional growth, representing a valuable investment in developing therapeutic competence.

Gestalt workshops – ‘free choice’ activities

Below are the workshops we encourage you to consider when looking for Gestalt development classes in the “free choice” form.

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:16.06.2023r. - 18.06.2023r.

Leader:Rafael Cortina

Healing trauma and promoting recovery in a Gestalt approach – Rafael Cortina Uzdrawianie traumy – Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt zaprasza na wydarzenie! Healing Trauma – a description of the Workshop with...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:14.10.2023r. - 15.10.2023r.

Leader:John Gillespie

Working with sexuality. Building a foundation in therapeutic work with E-RO-TY-CON. – John Gillespie. Working with sexuality – a description of a workshop with John Gillespie: What do we...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:29.11.2023r. - 30.11.2023r.

Leader:Peter Philippson

Gestalt workshop: Activity in therapy – description: In the Gestalt therapy theory of “self,” the “I” and “other” take their form in the act of contacting, not in a pre-existing “I” that then makes...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:21.01.2024r. - 23.01.2024r.

Leader:Marten Bos

International therapy group LSG-Club: Therapy for therapists. Led by Marten Bos (The Netherlands) For several months we have been working at the Lodz Gestalt School with therapists and therapists from Belarus and Ukraine, taking...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:01.03.2024r. - 03.03.2024r.

Leader:Małgorzata Cynker

Gestalt Workshop: Working with Loss and Grief – event description: Nevertheless, the issue of death really itches us. It itches all the time, it is always with us, scraping at some inner door, making...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:08.03.2024r. - 08.03.2024r.

Leader:Tara Konrad, Larysa Didkovskaya, Ludmila Batalina, Lena Grigoryeva

Gestalt in Working with Crisis and Trauma – description of the cycle: Unfortunately it happened so that the most massive and multi-level traumatic events in European region happened in Ukraine. Starting from 2014 Ukrainian...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:15.04.2024r. - 16.04.2024r.

Leader:Peter Philippson

Therapeutic work with the theme of aggression – Peter Philippson’s workshop organised in cooperation with the Lodz Gestalt School Nowadays, with wars all over the region, we are witnessing huge levels of aggression among...

Gestalt workshops

Deadline:19.04.2024r. - 21.04.2024r.

Leader:Graham Colbourne

Gestalt workshop: Working with complex trauma – Graham Colbourne: “In this workshop I am offering support in developing effective practice for experienced psychotherapists working with clients who have grown up in family situations where...