
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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gestalt development classes

Development Year at the School of Psychotherapy – develop your skills and get practical tools for therapeutic work! With full happiness and pride, we would like to respond to the demand that is emerging...

Inclusivity in dealing with transgender and non-binary people – a workshop with Michal Kupis Inclusivity in dealing with transgender and non-binary people – Workshop description: The training will be introductory and will cover basic...

Working with transgender and non-binary teenagers – a gestalt workshop with Krzysztof Kościółek and Michał Kupis. Lodz Gestalt School invites you. Working with transgender and non-binary adolescents – Workshop description: We are born into...

Psychological help for LGBTQ+ people – a gestalt workshop with Krzysztof Kościółek and Michał Kupis Psychological help for LGBTQ+ people – a gestalt workshop with Krzysztof Kościółek and Michal Kupis! Workshop Description: We are...

Move to CON/ACT – Gestalt Workshop with Jack Panster The founders of gestalt therapy (Perls et al. 1951) introduced the radical concept of the self, which is fluid, dynamic and changeable. Any phenomenological analysis...

Inna Didkovska (Ukraine) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024  The international gestalt conference “Re-starting. Re-thinking. Re-connecting. ROOTING IN LIFE” is approaching! Few days are left for registration!  Today...

Group supervisions – 2nd edition at the Lodz Gestalt School Group supervision in the gestalt current with Joanna Sawicz is a group dedicated especially to young trainee psychotherapists and psychotherapists in training. In addition,...

Lena Grigorieva: Dignity as a healing tool in a relational approach – The Power of Power. Daylight could not exist without night. Could freedom exist without torture and dictatorship? How do we experience and...

Rafael Cortina (USA) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024 We are happy to introduce you our world-known speaker and international trainer present in many countries around the world –...

Otwarty nabór na 4 edycję Roku Rozwojowego w Łódzkiej Szkole Gestalt. Gorąco zapraszamy do udziału! Startujemy 22.02.2024! Więcej informacji na temat kolejnej edycji znajdziecie Państwo: • pod numerem telefonu: 575 591 555 • pod...

Veronika Zhemchuzhnikova speaker at the International Gestalt Conference for Psychologists and Psychotherapists | On-line March 16, 2024. We are pleased to introduce you a speech from a prominent gestalt practitioner Veronika Zhemchuzhnikova (Kazakstan) with...

Graham Colbourne at Gestalt conference: ‘Re-Starting, Re-Thinking, Re-Connecting’ conference is a great opportunity for all psychotherapists, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychologists and anyone interested in Gestalt. Graham Colbourne at Gestalt conference: Therapy and contacting is a...

Gestalt therapeutic training with Kamila Biały – Lodz Gestalt School cordially invites you to participate! Organised by: Lodz Gestalt School Tutor: Kamila Biały Date: 21.02-25.02.2024 Number of hours: 40 training hours Place: Headquarters of...

Warsztat gestalt: Agresja: Bierna, Aktywna, Twórcza, Destrukcyjna. Jak pracować z Klientem i ze sobą? Warsztat gestalt: Agresja: bierna, aktywna, twórcza, destrukcyjna. Jak pracować z Klientem i ze sobą? – Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt zaprasza na spotkanie...

Gestalt workshop: Therapeutic work with the theme of aggression Therapeutic work with the theme of aggression – Peter Philippson (russian translation) Nowadays, with wars all over the region, we are witnessing huge levels of aggression...