Inna Didkovska (Ukraine) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024 

Inna Didkovska (Ukraine) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024 

The international gestalt conference “Re-starting. Re-thinking. Re-connecting. ROOTING IN LIFE” is approaching! Few days are left for registration! 

Today we are pleased to announce you a lecture from Inna Didkovska – the director of Kiev Gestalt Institute. Inna is a world-known practitioner, Psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience (Gestalt therapist, psychodrama therapist, process work therapist); Active member of the European Association of Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP), International Federation of Gestalt Teaching Organizations (FORGE);  Certified supervisor of the Paris School of Gestalt, the French Gestalt Institute and the Norwegian Gestalt Institute. 

But the most important about Inna is that she truly loves her native country – Ukraine, her native place Bucha turned out to be the most tragic place since Russian invasion to Ukraine, still going on through daily pain, sufferings and solidarity in the same time. Inna Didkovska is among those gestalt leaders who work not only with the consequences of trauma but also shapes the gestalt leadership in Ukraine and worldwide. She is so skilful to re-connect gestalt gaps in the damaged field fulfilling them with honest openness and love, the love not only about beauty but more as a driving force to be strong and stable whatever happens. Inna is among those able and committed to speak about the reality as it is, skipping declarations and wording with no meaning. The time of war requires clarity inspiring for life.

Inna Didkovska still does not decided about the title of her speech, because in her life every day can anything happen. Currently she lives between 2 countries: Ukraine and Israel. And both countries are in wars, suffering from invaders. Inna is going to speak about the acute issue of here-and-now emerging in our joint field. How to do rooting in life in the times of war is the issue of our joint consideration. 

Join the lecture and the Conference and you will definitely get inspired by energy, thinking, connection to Inna Didkovska and other speakers.