Therapeutic training in the Gestalt movement with Kamila Bialy. Date: 21.02-25.02.2024, 40 training hours. applications: 575 591 555

Gestalt therapeutic training with Kamila Biały – Lodz Gestalt School cordially invites you to participate!

Organised by: Lodz Gestalt School

Tutor: Kamila Biały

Date: 21.02-25.02.2024

Number of hours: 40 training hours

Place: Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, 125 Piotrkowska Street, Lodz.

Seating capacity: min 8/max 12

The training is aimed at psychotherapists and psychotherapists in Gestalt training. It counts towards the required group therapy hours necessary for certification in the Gestalt current. Applications are accepted by phone: 575 591 555 and by email: [email protected]. It will also be necessary to complete the application form, which is available HERE.

Gestalt therapeutic training – a few words from Kamila Biały:

“During the therapeutic training I work with the id (a function of to) of group life, and I do not abstract from forms of relational work either. Each person in the group has a part in the emerging experiences and is created by them.”

More information, full description of the Training and application