Gestalt workshop with Krzysztof Kościółek and Michal Kupis: psychological help for LGBTQ+ people. Learn more and apply to participate.

Psychological help for LGBTQ+ people – a gestalt workshop with Krzysztof Kościółek and Michał Kupis

  • Topic: psychological help for LGBTQ+ people
  • Hosted by: Krzysztof Kościółek, Michał Kupis
  • Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School
  • Deadline: 6 – 7 July 2024
  • Workshop days: Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Sunday 09:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Number of hours: 19 training hours
  • Place: Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz
  • Price: 1000 PLN
  • Language: Polish
  • Free choice: Yes
  • For whom: For psychotherapists and psychotherapists-in-training, psychologists, psychiatrists, professionals working with LGBTQ+ clients/patients
  • Group: min 8/max 20

Psychological help for LGBTQ+ people – a gestalt workshop with Krzysztof Kościółek and Michal Kupis!

Workshop Description:

We are born and live in a world that makes us assimilate that heteronorm is the natural and only correct option for living. Any manifestation of gender, sexual or relational diversity is identified as something strange, unnatural and something to be ashamed of.

Heterosexuals experience their sexual identity as something obvious and natural. No one is surprised by the kindergarten children’s games in making pairs. Meanwhile, LGBTQ+ people discover their sexual or gender identity by singling out – “I am different_y.” Non-heteronormative people live in a different context from hetero and cisgender people, and it is this context that a person who provides psychological or psychotherapeutic assistance should be aware of.

If these worlds differ in something so fundamental, is working with an LGBTQ+ person like “any other human being”; really enough?

We invite you to gain knowledge and learn about the world of non-heteronormative people.

Psychological help for LGBTQ+ people | workshop topic scope:

  • Basic concepts of LGBTQ issues;
  • Psychosexual development with special emphasis on the development of non-heteronormative orientation and gender identity
  • Functioning of people belonging to minority groups
  • Knowledge of the concept of minority stress and its impact on the lives and functioning of people
  • Diversity of gender identities, and sexual-romantic relationships
  • Sexual and gender identity in the socio-cultural dimension
  • Coming Out and its significance for mental health
  • Gender incompatibility in children and adolescents from the perspective of DSM IV / ICD10; DSM V / ICD 11
  • The impact of stereotypes and prejudices on the situation of LGBTQ+ people
  • Stages of the gender reconciliation process
  • Gender correction process in social, medical and legal aspects
  • Therapeutic competence to work with LGBTQ+ people
  • Specifics of psychotherapy and other forms of psychological assistance in working with LGBTQ+ people
  • Conversion interactions and their impact on mental health
  • Problems experienced by LGBTQ+ people in an inter- and intrapsychic context;
  • Psychological and sexological help and support;

More information about the workshop and an application form are available on the event page.