Workshop series: constructing a life story in Gestalt terms is an excellent opportunity to learn about Marten Bos' unique tool

How do we tell the stories of our lives? Therapeutic construction of narratives - therapeutic work in the Gestalt approach
28 April 2024 00:00 - 12 November 2024 00:00
Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz
Workshop days:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
900 zł
For whom:
Project co-financed by EAGT: aimed at gestaltists from Belarus and Ukraine
Number of hours:
each meeting is 20 training hours
PLN 900/3 meetings - Project co-financed from EAGT funds: aimed at gestaltists from Belarus and Ukraine
min 8/max 18
Simultaneous translation into Russian
Event description:

Workshop series: constructing life stories in the Gestalt approach – Marten Bos

We are pleased to invite colleagues from Belarus and Ukraine who had to leave their practices and homes in their native countries to our space in order to learn new version of efficient therapeutic tool in Gestalt practice based on the construction of stories about one’s own life and get professional support. This is a unique working method created by Marten Bos, within the years of his international teaching and practice, it includes the technique of so-called the “Diversity Cards”.

Many years ago, Marten Bos was inspired by intersectionality theory and became curious about how we therapists can support a person using a client’s life story in an equitable and inclusive way. The method is based on awareness of how to support the power of our diversity, our unique energy resource in life. Marten noted that we share our life stories in very different ways, but not every story takes up the same amount of space.

Marten has developed his version of discovering the uniqueness of each person – by telling life stories, supporting the process of self-discovery with diversity cards. It views all areas of life through the lens of life history .

“Diversity cards” is one version of metaphorical cards to support a person in his/her quest for therapy, supervision, teaching. The set of diversity cards consists of 9 A4-size cards (8 represent the topics most often mentioned in defining ourselves on different and interrelated layers of our identity, 1 is blank). Marten will share the theory and teach how to put it into practice.

These methods are very effective in working with topics such as relationships, all crises, including those related to passing developmental thresholds in life, trauma, and anything related to the need for creative adaptation to a new environment.

The workshop is based on field theory.

  • 28.04-30.04 Intersectionality theory in the Gestalt approach
  • 16.09-18.09 Working with the creation of life narratives as a therapeutic tool
  • 10.11-12.11 Use of Diversity Cards in therapeutic practice


Marten Bos teaches his method worldwide at Gestalt institutes in the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Finland, Poland. He also has extensive experience working with migrants.

Workshop series: constructing life stories in Gestalt approach – about the presenter:

Marten Bos, therapist and supervisor of EAGT, trainer of the Dutch Gestalt Institute (NSG).


Cost of participation: PLN 900/3 meetings – Project co-financed from EAGT funds: aimed at gestaltists from Belarus and Ukraine

  • Payment via PayPal here:
  • Or to a current account: 63 2490 0005 0000 4500 7551 4132 AliorBank, Swift ALBPPLPW, IBAN 63 2490 0005 0000 4500 7551 4132 (KM Studio, Marcin Ślifirski).
Sign up

The registration deadline was on 31 December 2024 00:00