Join us for a Gestalt workshop Aggression: passive, active, creative, destructive. October 17-18, 2024 - Peter Philippson

Aggression: passive, active, creative, destructive. How do you work with the client and with yourself?
17 October 2024 10:00 - 18 October 2024 19:00
Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz
Workshop days:
Thursday, Friday
1200 zł
For whom:
For gestalt practitioners (psychologists/psychotherapists/psychiatrists/coaches)
Number of hours:
20 training hours
min 7/max 20
Free choice:
Event description:

Aggression: passive, active, creative, destructive. How do you work with the client and with yourself? – Lodz Gestalt School invites you to Peter Philippson’s workshop

Human beings are the most aggressive species the world has ever known, and this aggression is also our creativity. We rebuild what we encounter and create a place suitable for ourselves to grow. We create ways to heal each other but we also create ways to destroy each other.

Fritz Perls has often said that when the world seems too overwhelmingly dangerous or absent to engage with it aggressively, i.e., “I’m not going to be able to do it. enter it as active participants who are part of shaping the world, we move to passively conform to the world perceived as a given, and our active aggression does not disappear, but is directed against ourselves. In this workshop we will explore aggression, active and passive, creative and destructive. It will be a combination of theory, empirical work and discussion.

Gestalt workshop: aggression: passive, active, creative, destructive is aimed at gestalt practitioners. It is counted among the required hours of the so-called. free choice, necessary for certification in the Gestalt stream. It will be conducted in English and translated into Polish.

Peter Philippson:

Peter Philippson, M.Sc. (Gestalt Psychotherapy) is a UKCP certified Gestalt psychotherapist and trainer, member-teacher and supervisor Gestalt Psychotherapy & Training Institute UK, founding member of the Manchester Gestalt Centre, member of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, senior trainer of GITA (Slovenia), faculty member of IpsiG (Turin), advisory board member of the Center for Somatic Studies, founding member of IG-FEST and guest trainer of many training programs around the world.

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