Understanding trauma and addiction in a relational Gestalt approach - workshop with Rafael Cortina | 22-23.06.2024 Lodz Gestalt School

Understanding trauma and addiction in a relational Gestalt approach – a workshop with Rafael Cortina.

  • Topic: Reclaiming Wholeness: A Relational Gestalt Understanding of Trauma and Addiction
  • Leading: Rafael Cortina
  • Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School
  • Deadline: 22 June 2024 09:00 – 23 June 2024 19:00
  • Workshop days: Saturday, Sunday
  • Number of hours: 20 training hours
  • Place: Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz
  • Price: 1500 PLN
  • Language: English
  • Translation: simultaneous translation into Polish
  • Free choice: Yes
  • For whom: For experienced psychotherapists and trainers of Gestalt and other modalities
  • Group: 8-18 people

Gestalt workshop: Understanding trauma and addiction in a relational Gestalt approach – Rafael Cortina

Traumatic childhood and life events shape the way individuals view themselves and the world, which directly affects relationships, self-perception, coping skills, self-esteem, etc. Unfortunately, a common and initially effective way to cope with the impact of trauma and adjust to the world is through addictive behavior. They provide temporary relief and anesthetize emotional and relational pain. This workshop offers an in-depth exploration of how traumatic experiences can contribute to addictive patterns and behaviors, while also exploring how addiction can serve as a coping mechanism for unresolved trauma.

Through experiential exercises, group discussions, modeling sessions and theoretical insights, this training will focus on teaching a clinical model of trauma and addiction treatment within a Gestalt/relational approach to help clients develop their capacity to explore the boundaries of contact and build new experiences that can lead to opportunities for growth and recovery.

A workshop dedicated to experienced Gestalt therapists and trainers!

The specialized workshop is dedicated to:

  • Certified Gestalt psychotherapists and trainers
  • Certified psychotherapists and trainers of Schools of Psychotherapy of other modalities

For more information and an application form, visit the event page.