Gestalt Workshop: Understanding Trauma and Addiction in a Relational Gestalt Approach with Rafael Cortina will be held on 22-23.06.2024 in Lodz, Poland.

Reclaiming Wholeness: A Relational Gestalt Understanding of Trauma and Addiction - Reclaiming Wholeness: Understanding Trauma and Addiction in a Relational Gestalt Approach
22 June 2024 09:00 - 23 June 2024 19:00
Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz
Workshop days:
Saturday, Sunday
1500 zł
For whom:
For experienced psychotherapists and trainers of Gestalt and other modalities
Number of hours:
20 training hours
8-18 people
Simultaneous translation into Polish
Free choice:
Event description:

Gestalt workshop: Understanding trauma and addiction in a relational Gestalt approach – Rafael Cortina

Traumatic childhood and life events shape the way individuals view themselves and the world, which directly affects relationships, self-perception, coping skills, self-esteem, etc. Unfortunately, a common and initially effective way to cope with the impact of trauma and adjust to the world is through addictive behavior. They provide temporary relief and anesthetize emotional and relational pain. This workshop offers an in-depth exploration of how traumatic experiences can contribute to addictive patterns and behaviors, while also exploring how addiction can serve as a coping mechanism for unresolved trauma.

Through experiential exercises, group discussions, modeling sessions and theoretical insights, this training will focus on teaching a clinical model of trauma and addiction treatment within a Gestalt/relational approach to help clients develop their capacity to explore the boundaries of contact and build new experiences that can lead to opportunities for growth and recovery.

Gestalt workshop: Understanding trauma and addiction – Rafael Cortina:

Rafael J. Cortina is a licensed marriage and family therapist in the state of California, a master’s degree in addiction therapy, a certified clinical trauma specialist and a certified Gestalt psychotherapist. As a bilingual therapist (English-Spanish), he has worked in Mexico and the United States. He has more than 20 years of experience working with individuals, couples, families and groups. She holds a master’s degree in psychology in counseling and a master’s degree in business administration with an emphasis on marketing. He completed his studies at the National University in San Diego. He is currently an adjunct faculty member at National University and an editor/board member of the International Association of Advancement in Gestalt Therapy. She has extensive experience working with people with mood and anxiety disorders, addiction, grief and loss, dual diagnosis, trauma work, LGBTQ+, HIV/AIDS counseling, sleep work, couples therapy and Gestalt-oriented psychotherapy.

He is a former clinical director at ACI Specialty Benefits, a faculty member at the University of Phoenix, San Diego Campus, and a lead faculty member at the Humanistic Institute for Gestalt Psychotherapy in Tijuana, Mexico. He has worked at Sharp Mesa Vista Outpatient Dual Diagnosis Program, LGBT Center, San Diego Hospice and Worker at Bayview Behavioral Health Campus. He has also conducted workshops, trainings, lectures, international conferences and supervisions, virtually and in person in Mexico, the United States, Australia, Canada, Africa, Asia and Europe.

❗❗❗❗ Specialized Gestalt Workshop: Understanding Trauma and Addiction in a Relational Gestalt Approach is dedicated to:

  • Certified Gestalt psychotherapists and trainers
  • Certified psychotherapists and trainers of Schools of Psychotherapy of other modalities ❗❗❗❗
Sign up

The registration deadline was on 23 June 2024 00:00