
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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First interviews of candidates/candidates for the School Stage at the Lodz Gestalt School on us! In March, the first recruitment interviews were held at the Lodz Gestalt School for the School Stage. We approach...

Free webinar – Rafael Cortina You are invited to a Gestalt webinar. Topic: Gestalt approach to healing trauma and supporting recovery Leading: Rafael Cortina Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School Description: The webinar can serve as...

We would like to invite you to a Gestalt workshop with Rafael Cortina, which you can consider when looking for Gestalt development classes in the form of “free choice”. Gestalt workshop: Healing trauma and...

The values of the Lodz Gestalt School - responsibility, diversity, balance, openness, dialogue and more. We invite everyone to whom these values are close to their heart....

GPTI 2023 Conference “Gender, Sexuality and Relationship Diversity (GSRD): Beyond the Words” Conference information: GPTI conference in Nottingham September 15-17, 2023. The GPTI community invites you to join the conference. GPTI conference in Nottingham...

A meeting of the School's team was held on February 24. We worked with the team on our shared values and vision of what Gestalt is like for us....

Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy is now open! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the School’s offer available on our website! Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy We are extremely pleased to announce the...

The 5th Interdisciplinary Gestalt Congress will also be held in Malta from 21.09 – 24.09.2023. Congress theme: “Moving edge of Gestalt psychotherapy – Fields and strategy of application”. The congress offers the option of...

We would like to inform you that the Gestalt Conference in Madrid, which will be held from 21.09 – 24.09.2023, is coming up! Registration fees: All EAGT members include a €50 discount. The registration...

Librarygestalt.co.uk is a unique place. All those interested in the Gestalt current are cordially invited to read the literature available at: http://bibliotekagestalt.pl/. The library’s website significantly facilitates access to knowledge, and the materials it...