The library of the Lodz Gestalt School is permanently available. Materials in the library will be replenished regularly.

The library of the Lodz Gestalt School is now open!

Students of the Lodz Gestalt School are cordially invited to use the school library. Our students will find there many interesting items related to the Gestalt current and beyond. There will be books, articles, magazines, anything that will help acquire additional knowledge in the field of psychology and psychotherapy. The library is available Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Materials in the library will be replenished regularly.

Library of the Lodz Gestalt School – rules for borrowing books

  1. Students will be asked to fill out a library card, located in the School’s library.
  2. Students can borrow a maximum of 5 readings at a time.
  3. Students agree to return the books within no more than 1 month after borrowing.

For more information, visit the Library tab or here.