
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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Open enrollment for Lodz Gestalt School – Edition 3 (November) – is an opportunity for those of you who want to start Stage I – Development Year still in 2023. Recruitment for the Lodz...

Recruitment for the 2nd Edition of the 2nd Stage of the Lodz Gestalt School We are pleased to announce that recruitment for the 2nd edition of the 2nd Stage of the Lodz Gestalt School...

Interviews for Stage II of the School – 30.10.2023 and 08.11.2023 We are pleased to announce that the next new interview dates for Stage II of the School – the November edition – are...

Recommended Gestalt psychotherapists – a list for students seeking Gestalt therapy. One of the goals of the Lodz Gestalt School, is to facilitate access for students and all those interested in psychotherapy or seeking...

Deadline for interviews for Stage II of the School – 25.10.2023 Dear all, we would like to inform you that the next date for interviews for the 2nd edition of Stage II of the...

The library of the Lodz Gestalt School is now open! Students of the Lodz Gestalt School are cordially invited to use the school library. Our students will find there many interesting items related to...

Recruitment for the development year – October 2 edition – is now closed! Recruitment for the October 2 development year edition is now closed! We would like to inform all those who would like...

Dear all, we would like to inform you that the first date for the recruitment interviews for the 2nd edition of Stage II of the School is known. Interviews for Stage II of the...

The start of the first edition of the development year at the Lodz Gestalt School is the beginning of a new path for both us – the entire Lodz Gestalt School team, but also...

The Regulations of the Lodz Gestalt School is the foundation of the university, which defines the principles under which learning and work at the institution takes place. In the case of gestalt psychotherapy, this...

It was an extraordinary meeting! Held on Sunday 27.08.2023 Gestalt 2023 Conference , we met at the Lodz Gestalt School with Gestalt psychotherapist(s) and student(s) from Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and Russia. We talked about...

We are pleased to announce that the next date for recruitment interviews is known. Interviews for Stage II of the School will be held on 13.09.2023 and 18.09.2023. We would also like to remind...

Ladies and Gentlemen, please take note. Due to fortuitous reasons beyond our control, we have to inform you that the date and the presenter of the psychopharmacotherapy workshop have been changed! The workshop will...

Webinar with Peter Philippson now available on the YouTube channel of the Lodz Gestalt School! We are pleased to announce that as of today, a recording of the webinar with Peter Philippson is available...

Lodz Gestalt School a member of EAGT! 😊 We are happy to announce that the Lodz School of Gestalt has been accepted into the EAGT organization! Our status is Associate Member, which means that...