English translator and Gestalt therapist Tomek Ryłek. Meet our invaluable interpreter who adds magic to our workshops.

Tomek Ryłek – simultaneous interpreter of the Lodz Gestalt School

We would like to introduce you to a person who has a special role in our team: she is present at each of our English-language workshops, participates in team supervisions, knows all our secrets and plans, doubts and dreams and at the same time works in such a way that we hardly notice her presence. We would like to introduce to you the Interpreter permanently cooperating with the Lodz Gestalt School – Tomek Ryłek. Thanks Tom, we love working with you!

Tomek is a Gestalt Therapist working with adults and couples. Simultaneous English interpreter with over 18 years of experience. Father of two children. Passionate about heavy sounds raised on grunge music, love of the Tatras and New York.