
Łódzka Szkoła Psychoterapii Gestalt

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The open enrollment for the Lodz Gestalt School – Edition 5 (April) – is an opportunity for those of you who want to start Stage I – the Development Year. Open enrollment for Lodz...

Open day at the School of Gestalt Psychotherapy – June 12, 2024 The last Open Day at the Lodz Gestalt School gathered an unexpected number of participants from us – in such a situation,...

Inna Didkovska (Ukraine) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024  The international gestalt conference “Re-starting. Re-thinking. Re-connecting. ROOTING IN LIFE” is approaching! Few days are left for registration!  Today...

Group supervisions – 2nd edition at the Lodz Gestalt School Group supervision in the gestalt current with Joanna Sawicz is a group dedicated especially to young trainee psychotherapists and psychotherapists in training. In addition,...

Lena Grigorieva: Dignity as a healing tool in a relational approach – The Power of Power. Daylight could not exist without night. Could freedom exist without torture and dictatorship? How do we experience and...

Lynne Jacobs (USA) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024 Welcome to join us at the Conference and you will get the opportunity to explore the issues of dignity...

Rafael Cortina (USA) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024 We are happy to introduce you our world-known speaker and international trainer present in many countries around the world –...

Dan Bloom (USA) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 16th march 2024 We are pleased to introduce you the world-known gestalt philosopher, really brave and great person, with open heart and open...

Otwarty nabór na 4 edycję Roku Rozwojowego w Łódzkiej Szkole Gestalt. Gorąco zapraszamy do udziału! Startujemy 22.02.2024! Więcej informacji na temat kolejnej edycji znajdziecie Państwo: • pod numerem telefonu: 575 591 555 • pod...

Jean-Marie Robine (France) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024 There is no need for introduction this remarkable figure in gestalt world – gestalt scientist, philosopher, lecturer, trainer, supervisor… a...

Marten Bos: How do we tell the stories of our lives? Therapeutic construction of narratives – therapeutic work in the Gestalt approach We encourage you to learn about an innovative therapeutic method in the...

Veronika Zhemchuzhnikova speaker at the International Gestalt Conference for Psychologists and Psychotherapists | On-line March 16, 2024. We are pleased to introduce you a speech from a prominent gestalt practitioner Veronika Zhemchuzhnikova (Kazakstan) with...

Billy Desmond at the Gestalt Conference ‘Re-Starting, Re-Thinking, Re-Connecting’ – 16 March 2024 Dear psychologist, psychotherapist! Use a real opportunity to learn the ideas about group therapy in gestalt approach from Billy Desmond –...

International Online Gestalt Conference: Re-Starting, Re-Thinking, Re-Connecting. Rooting in life – 16 and 23 March 2024 – Lodz Gestalt School and New Gestalt Voices are pleased to invite you to the event. Online Gestalt...

Graham Colbourne at Gestalt conference: ‘Re-Starting, Re-Thinking, Re-Connecting’ conference is a great opportunity for all psychotherapists, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychologists and anyone interested in Gestalt. Graham Colbourne at Gestalt conference: Therapy and contacting is a...