Series of therapy for therapists seminars for involuntarily migrated from Belarus and Ukraine run by Marten Bos | Lodzka Szkola Gestalt

Series of therapy for therapists seminars for involuntarily migrated from Belarus and Ukraine

Lodzka Szkola Gestalt is pleased to host a project to be run by the EAGT Human Rights and Social responsibility Committee “Re-connection to Life: Support to Gestalt Practitioners in Exile through training and networking”.

The Project aims at providing support to those involuntarily migrated to Poland from Belarus and Ukraine through therapy, training and networking. It consists of 3 group meetings in Poland in the format therapy for therapists, webinars on acute issues and 3 networking events to be hosted by gestalt institutes in 3 european countries.

So, we are happy to launch the series of therapy for therapists seminars in Lodz/Poland for those gestalt practitioners identifying themselves as involuntary migrants from Belarus and Ukraine.

The dates of the seminars in 2024 are:

  • 28.04-30.04,
  • 16.09-18.09,
  • 10.11-12.11.

The trainer leading series of therapy for therapists seminars will be Marten Bos (Netherlands) – EAGT therapist, supervisor, coach. Trainer of the Dutch Gestalt Institute (NSG) – with extensive experience in working with migrants in different circumstances from different countries. who has broad experience of work with migrants under different circumstances from different countries.

The languages of the seminars are Russian/English. We provide professional Russian-language translation

In case of your interest for participation please fill the formulas and/or contact us by phone number

  • +48 531 571 476Lena Grigorieva, certified psychotherapist, supervisor, member of the EAGT Committee on Human Rights and Social Responsibility and foreign affairs coordinator of the Lodz Gestalt School, is available for you at this number.

Welcome to our space inspired by the need to reconnection to life!

Enjoy togetherness and fertility of emptiness, we will definitely find the most creative tools for our adjustments in new environments.

More information and an application form are available on the event website.