Art therapy with Alexandra Solonaya:
I invite you to a meeting with metaphorical cards “How to overcome imposter syndrome and perfectionism?”.
Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon in which a person doubts his successes and achievements, devalues them, and attributes them to luck and circumstances. A submissive person fears being exposed, feels insecure in his position.
Perfectionism – the desire for perfection in things, the desire to do everything perfectly, the fear of making a mistake. Because of this, they often put things off, criticizing themselves for imperfections.
Both are forms of self-sabotage, rooted in negative attitudes, negative experiences and low self-esteem. They generate destructive thoughts and actions that stand in the way of success. Recognizing them is already the first step to overcoming them.
Art therapy with Alexandra Solonaya – meeting program:
At the meeting on 17.04 at 17:30 we will:
- discover the nature of their attitudes that hinder success
- work with metaphorical maps
- You will learn how to become more confident, which will help you get rid of imposter syndrome and perfectionism.
The meeting will be led by Alexandra Solonaya (art therapist and Gestalt counselor).
Art therapy with Alexandra Solonaya is conducted in Russian and Ukrainian!