Danusia Brzezicka is, among other things, a trainer, ecologist and certified Gestalt psychotherapist cooperating with the Lodz Gestalt School.

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I obtained my Master’s degree in psychology at the University of Silesia in Katowice. I gained qualifications to conduct individual and group psychotherapy at the School of Group Coaches and Psychotherapists at the Institute of Integral Gestalt Psychotherapy in Krakow, Poland in 2009. I completed the school by gaining the EAGT certificate.

In addition to my holistic training in psychotherapy, I have undergone a number of thematic trainings including postgraduate studies in clinical neuropsychology, working with mentally ill people, sexually abused children, aggression replacement training and family mediation.

I also graduated from the Academy of Environmental Education and thoroughly enjoyed leading nature sensitisation classes for young people at the Silesian Botanic Garden.

I gained my professional experience, among other things, as a researcher and teacher at the Medical University of Silesia and as a psychologist-diagnostician and psychotherapist at the University Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. During this time I discovered that teaching is my passion, which I pursue, among other things, at the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy.

In my everyday life, I am close to Eastern philosophy and experiencing every moment of life to the full. This helps me to be attentive in my daily life and in my contact with others. Through this, I perfect the art of relationship building and empathy which, for me, are the basis of psychotherapy. I believe in the power of attentive, accepting and respectful contact with the other person.

I deal with individual psychotherapy for adults on a daily basis. For me, psychotherapy is an adventure, a great journey into myself. As a therapist, I enjoy the opportunity to learn about the world through the eyes of others, in this way I myself develop and improve.