Presence in suffering - workshop with Margaret Cynker 1.01.03 - 03.03.2024 - 20 training hours. Lodz, Piotrkowska 125, Lodz Gestalt School.

Loss, bereavement and hope in the context of working with terminally/chronic patients and their families – Margaret Cynker

You are cordially invited to a workshop with Margaret Cynker!

Workshop topic: Being Present in Suffering. Loss, mourning and hope in the context of working with the terminally/chronic patient and his/her family.

Moderator: Margaret Cynker

Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School

Deadline: 01.03 – 03.03.2024

Workshop days: Friday: 15:00 – 19:00, Saturday, Sunday: 9:00 – 15:00.

Number of hours: 20 training hours

Place: Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz

Cost: 800 PLN

*Students of the Lodz Gestalt School are entitled to a discount of PLN 200 for each workshop/training conducted in the Gestalt convention, which will be deducted from the quoted price.

Applications: Please send FORM to the following email address: [email protected]

The workshop is aimed at psychotherapists and psychotherapists-in-training wishing to tame the topic of death, working with chronically ill patients and their families, or therapists wishing to deepen their understanding of the grieving process. It is counted among the required hours of the so-called. free choice, necessary for certification in the Gestalt stream. The number of places is limited! Applications are accepted by phone: 575 591 555 and by email: [email protected] . It will also be necessary to fill out the application form .

“Nevertheless, the matter of death really itches us. It itches all the time, it’s always with us, scraping at some inner door, making murmurs, barely audible, just beyond the threshold of consciousness. Hidden and masked, it seeps out in the form of various symptoms, and is the source of much of our worry, stress and conflict.” Irvin Yalom

As therapists, we encounter the “death issue” not only when we work with a dying patient. Our patients, to whom we “have for life,” also bring this theme in a more or less direct way. As long as we are preoccupied, consciously or unconsciously, with our own fear of death, we are unable to hear our clients in their despair, helplessness and suffering. By being busy ourselves, we are less available to our customers.

This workshop will give you the opportunity to look into the eyes of your own mortality, examine your fears, and thus expand your ability to accompany patients in their existential struggles.

Presence in suffering – objectives of the workshop:

  • Deepen awareness of one’s own processes related to loss and bereavement.
  • To look for resources of hope in the face of the inevitability of the end of life.
  • Gain tools to be more present to the client’s despair/hope and to follow the client’s process.
  • Learning about the mechanisms of contact modification in bereaved people, including anticipatory bereavement.
  • To learn about the dynamics of working with a terminally ill patient and his family.
  • Deepen knowledge and understanding of the bereavement accompaniment process.
  • Increase awareness of one’s own resources for surviving takeoffs and accommodating patient takeoffs.

Presence in Suffering is a workshop conducted based on the experience of one’s own losses. It is recommended that participants are not in an active mourning process after the loss (up to 6 months).