Marten Bos - a series of workshops for Russian-speaking migrants. Discover the possibility of co-creating a life story in the Gestalt approach.

Marten Bos – a series of workshops for Russian-speaking migrants – Lodz Gestalt School in cooperation with EAGT affectionately invite you to participate!

Topic: Co-creation of life stories in the Gestalt approach. Therapy for therapists through support and training – a series of workshops for forced Russian-speaking migrants with Marten Bos (Netherlands) as part of the EAGT project “Reconnecting with Life: Supporting Gestalt therapists in forced migration through training and networking.”

Leading: Marten Bos


  • 28.04 – 30.04.2024
  • 16.09 – 18.09.2024
  • 10.11 – 12.11.2024

Hours: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. – including breaks from 1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m., Day 3 abbreviated: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Number of hours: 20 training hours per seminar | 60 hours total.

Location: Office of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. Piotrkowska 125, Lodz.

Cost: PLN 900 (total for 3 workshops)

A series of workshops for Russian-speaking migrants is aimed at psychologists and psychotherapists from Belarus and Ukraine who are in Poland on forced migration. The hours of this project are included in the mandatory “free choice” hours required for certification in the Gestalt stream. Places are limited!

In addition, for those who want to participate, we will explain EAGT’s work structure, membership, resources and opportunities.

Marten Bos – a series of workshops for Russian-speaking migrants

Why exactly did we invite Marten Bos to our series of offline meetings in a “therapy for therapists” format for people forced to migrate:

  • Marten Bos impresses with his openness to diversity and new experiences. His curiosity about life is inspiring and energizing, adding pleasure and vigor.
  • Marten Bos has a clear position. He is definitely not the “generally for peace, for love” type. He knows something more about the meaning and value of humanistic concepts, which today float generously in many declarations of politicians, psychologists, just people….
  • Marten Bos values life and freedom, he does not overwhelm you with his experience and competence, but gives you the freedom to look for something important in contact only for you.
  • Marten Bos is a traveler, vagabond and inventor. He travels a lot around the world, teaching, observing, researching. He comes up with his own tools as a result of observing people and groups – for example, Marten uses “diversity maps” in his practice and works through a participant’s life story and self-presentation.
  • According to participants in meetings with Marten, the space around him is transformed into a special context full of inspiration and creativity.

Applications for the series of workshops for Russian-speaking migrants are accepted through a form available on the event website.