Lynne Jacobs (USA) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024

Lynne Jacobs (USA) speaker on Gestalt Conference for Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners | On-line 23th march 2024

Welcome to join us at the Conference and you will get the opportunity to explore the issues of dignity with Lynne Jacobs (USA) – a prominent American gestalt scientist and practitioner and psychoanalyst.

The issues of dignity in the times of crisis and involuntary movements requires multilevel and multidisciplinary explorations, it is quite complicated to find grounds for finding stability. The filed is full of hopelessness and despair when dignity is seriously damaged. Lynne invites you to explore dignity in the context of high pressure and often persecution and treat to life. She raises the question for us as professionals what we are going to explore together both from gestalt and psychoanalytic paradigms: What does psychotherapy offer to support human dignity in a world in which indignities are rampant?

 Lynne offers to consider as the most resourceful tracks in supporting the dignity:

– learning skill with one’s affective process,

– unpacking the pressures of social belonging/non-belonging, and

– working from a dialogical perspective are relevant to finding Join us within the Conference and you will get enriched by clarity of tools and ways for restoring one’s sense of dignity when dignity has been assaulted.

We warmly invite you to join to the analysis!