April interview dates for Stage II Psychotherapy School at Lodz Gestalt School are now set!
The upcoming talks will take place:
- 10.04.2024
- 24.04.2024
April interview dates for the School of Psychotherapy – targets:
Interviews are an integral part of the recruitment process for Stage II of the Lodz Gestalt School. They are mainly used to learn about candidates’ motivations, expectations and competencies, and to ensure that our educational program meets their needs and goals. Through this process, we can guarantee high quality teaching and build a close-knit team of students ready for intensive and fruitful study in the field of Gestalt psychotherapy.
Organizational information:
- Interviews are conducted by psychotherapists with many years of experience in therapeutic work – senior trainer Malgorzata Cynker or trainer Dominika Plisiecka.
- The interview is paid and costs 150 zloty.
- The talks are held at the headquarters of the Gestalt School, at 125 Piotrkowska Street in Lodz.
- We would also like to remind you that in order to fully apply, it is necessary to send an application form along with a resume and a certificate of completion of a development year at another Gestalt Institute. The finished form is available below:
You are cordially invited to sign up for the April interview dates!
And if you need to inquire for more information, please contact us:
- sekretariat@szkolagestalt.pl
- 575 591 555