Gestalt Workshop with Peter Philippson: Eating Disorders in Gestalt Therapy – Self and Skin
In its original conception, Gestalt therapy was a very physically/biologically based approach, rooted in the functioning of the human body in its environment and the specifics of a person’s physical capabilities and limitations. In this workshop, I develop my understanding of the Gestalt theory of the relational self to take greater account of its physical aspects.
In my view, there is a danger of sidelining the body in a relational approach, which would compromise the holistic nature of Gestalt therapy. I will outline the implications of a clear distinction between the embodied body/environment level and the personal level of the self in a relationship, and show how to apply this to working with people with eating disorders.
There will be time for theory, discussion, experiments on embodiment and personal work.
Gestalt workshop with Peter Philippson: Eating Disorders in Gestalt Therapy – about the presenter: