Tomasz Ryłek - an experienced therapist and English translator. Learn more about his work with adults and couples.

Tomasz Ryłek - gestalt therapist and simultaneous interpreter.

Tomasz Ryłek: Gestalt therapist working with adults and couples. Simultaneous English interpreter with over 18 years of experience. Father of two children. Passionate about heavy sounds raised on grunge music, love of the Tatras and New York.

What fascinates me about Gestalt is the process of getting to know myself. Each contact is an opportunity to explore emotions and needs, enabling you to make more informed decisions in harmony with yourself.

As an interpreter, I have had the pleasure of working with many excellent gestaltists. Among them are. Peter Philippson, John Gillespie, Graham Colbourne, Felicia Carroll, Frans Meulmeester, Ruella Frank and Elisabeth Helene Seather.