Natalie Zhivolkovskaya:
Clinical psychologist, Gestalt psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer, co-leader of the specialization program “Gestalt Therapy with Children and Adolescents” (2017-2020), member of EAGT. She works with children, adolescents and their families on a daily basis (for more than 20 years), and spent 10 years working as a psychiatrist in a clinical setting (“Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health” / Minsk). Since 2020, Natalie has lived in Lithuania and continues her daily practice with children and young people.
Natalie Zhivolkovskaya – experience:
Natalia has taught at the Belarusian State Medical University, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maksim Tank, Belarusian State University of Pedagogy. Maksim Tank, Belarus State University in courses on “clinical psychology,” “psychodiagnostics,” “fundamentals of psychiatry,” “child psychiatry,” and “fundamentals of rehabilitation.” She is the author and co-author of a number of articles in the field of clinical psychology, including Gestalt therapy (On the other side of a happy childhood or the experience of childhood trauma; Gestаlt psychotherapy of children and adolescents in divorce situations; Bedwetting in children as a consequence of psychotrauma; Gestalt models of therapeutic group development, etc.). Since 2021, Natallia has lived in Lithuania and continues her daily practice with children and adolescents.