Recruiting for Stage I of the Gestalt Psychotherapy School. Take part and grow as a therapist. Learn about gestalt and acquire the necessary skills.

Recruitment for Stage I of the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy – Developmental Year (Year 0)

Edition 10 | start: 13 FEBRUARY 2025

You are cordially invited to join the 1st Stage of the 10th Edition of the Lodz Gestalt School. We will start with group 10 on 13.02.2025. The convention will begin with a four-day interpersonal training with elements of psychoeducation and integration. The Lodz Gestalt School will apply for EAGT accreditation, which means that all paperwork and class programs are prepared in accordance with the Association’s requirements. The institute must conduct one 4-year training cycle to enter the accreditation process. The full schedule for the Year 10 Development Edition is available below: Schedule of classes of the School of Psychotherapy – Stage I Development Year – group X: start in February

The school accepts candidates with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, but it is essential that the student, being in the 2nd year of Stage II training, already has a completed master’s degree in order to be able to start the required psychotherapy practice.

Recruitment for Stage I of the School of Gestalt Psychotherapy – cost:

Stage I – Development Year – a total of PLN 17,200 (can be paid at one time, but this does not entail an additional training discount). They include:

  • Entry fee in the amount of: 4200 PLN (paid to the School’s account within 7 days of receiving the contract).
  • 10 installments of: PLN 1,300 (paid regularly by the 10th of each month, i.e. according to the payment schedule attached to the contract).


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* Do każdego formularza prosimy dołączyć CV bez zdjęcia w formacie PDF
* Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w II etapie szkolenia proszone są o wypełnienie dodatkowo miejsca w tabeli z nazwą Instytutu oraz dołączenie zaświadczenia ukończenia stażu w formacie PDF.

Oświadczam, ze wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla celów związanych z prowadzonym naboru/ rekrutacji do Łódzkiej Szkoły Gestalt.

Informujemy, że administratorem danych osobowych będzie: Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt, z siedzibą w Łodzi, ul. Piotrkowska 125. Podanie danych osobowych ma charakter dobrowolny oraz przysługuje prawo dostępu do nich, ich poprawiania i anulowania.

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