Recruitment interviews at the Lodz Gestalt School. - March saw the first meetings with the candidates for the School Stage at our School!

First interviews of candidates/candidates for the School Stage at the Lodz Gestalt School on us!

In March, the first recruitment interviews were held at the Lodz Gestalt School for the School Stage. We approach these meetings with great care and curiosity. From the first day of our journey together, we care about knowing each other. We are curious about prospective students/students: who they are, what their motivations are for learning Gestalt and engaging in a new profession. We talk about what they are looking forward to, but also what their concerns are, what resources and limitations they have, what supports them and what hinders them. We talk about what point in their lives they are at and why they are taking on this big organizational and energetic challenge of being in a school of psychotherapy. We are committed to a good, close relationship with our students/students.