The meeting with Marten Bos was held within the framework of the "Reconnecting with Life" project funded by EAGT and led by ŁSG.

Meeting with Marten Bos – a few words after the first workshop in the series:

16 gestalt professionals forced to leave their countries met in Lodz, being hosted by the Lodz Gestalt School. They came from all over Poland, and one participant even came from Vilnius. They all forcibly left their homes due to war and persecution, starting their practice in Europe.

The meeting with Marten Bos was held within the framework of the project “Reconnecting with Life: Supporting Gestalt Therapists on Forced Migration through Training and Networking” funded by EAGT and led by ŁSG.

EAGT member Marten Bos from the Netherlands facilitated the process, providing support and care through his experience working with migrants and trauma. And the process really wasn’t easy. For most of the participants, this was the first offline meeting with people “outside their field” in the same circle, sharing the pain of life while pursuing it with a deep need for vitality. There were many stories that had never been said out loud before, many tears, insights, and the joy of sharing and getting to know each other.

The caring atmosphere at the Lodz Gestalt School was very supportive for everyone going through very difficult experiences.

We are proud to have hosted such deep and meaningful support. The series consists of 3 meetings, 3 days each. The next one is planned for September, but participants left with the intention of supporting each other between group meetings. It is felt that a community of people in need of receiving support and offering it has been launched.

It was nice to hear the deepest words of gratitude to ŁSG and EAGT for arranging a meeting with Marten Bos in such an atmosphere and opportunity for real contact.