Recruitment for the Development Year (Year 0) – Stage I of the Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy
Edition 12 | start: MAY 29, 2025
You are cordially invited to join the 1st Stage of the 12th Edition of the Lodz Gestalt School. We will start with group 12 on 29.05.2025. The convention will begin with four days of interpersonal training with elements of psychoeducation and integration.
The 4-year holistic therapeutic training conducted in the Gestalt current at the Lodz Gestalt School is experiential in nature. The entire developmental year is based on group process work and requires readiness to unveil oneself. Subsequent years are spent learning how to work therapeutically with the client, which involves practicing practical skills based on gradually acquired knowledge. The work is workshop-based and requires self-awareness, understanding of one’s own mental processes and good contact with oneself, as well as mental stability. Entering our school involves being in self-therapy. We strongly discourage you from applying to the school if you are in mental crisis, in active addiction, in a difficult life situation. Please also apply and consult with us if you have a history of psychiatric treatment or treatment related to another serious chronic illness
The full schedule of the Development Year 12 Edition is available below:
Schedule of classes of the School of Psychotherapy – Stage I Development Year – Group XII: start in May
The school accepts candidates with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, but it is essential that the student, being in the 2nd year of Stage II training, already has a completed master’s degree in order to be able to start the required psychotherapy practice.
Before filling out the application form, we invite you to read the information that challenges may await you as you learn and work in the psychotherapy/therapist profession.
Recruitment for the Development Year – Stage I of the Gestalt Psychotherapy School – cost:
Stage I – Development Year – a total of PLN 17,200 (can be paid at one time, but this does not entail an additional training discount).
They include:
- Entry fee in the amount of: 4200 PLN (paid to the School’s account within 7 days of receiving the contract).
- 10 installments of: PLN 1,300 (paid regularly by the 10th of each month, i.e. according to the payment schedule attached to the contract).
If the application form is closed, those wishing to sign up for the reserve list are asked to contact the Coordinator:
- phone: 575 591 555,
- email: