The official Youtube channel of the Lodz Gestalt School has opened. We offer free access to webinars and other recordings from our school

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We would like to inform all of you that the official Youtube channel of the Lodz Gestalt School has been opened. The Lodz Gestalt School’s Youtube channel is becoming the place where we will post all videos shared with us, or made by us. We decided that this would be the most accessible form for both you and us to share recordings of webinars, workshops, and other occasions when Gestalt development activities take place at our school. We have this opportunity thanks to the generosity of our guests – both from abroad and Polish psychotherapists who cooperate with us on a daily and occasional basis.

For today, we encourage you to watch, or record, a webinar with Rafael Cortina: A Gestalt Approach to Healing Trauma and Supporting Recovery already available on our profile.

We would also like to remind you about the shortcut Youtube icona Lodz Gestalt School in the upper right corner of the page, which will take you directly to our Youtube profile.