Recruitment for the Lodz Gestalt School! ŁSG begins recruitment for the 1st Edition of Stage I - Development Year. Recruitment is open from 01.02.2023!

Recruitment for the Lodz Gestalt School has already started!

Lodz School of Gestalt Psychotherapy begins recruitment for the 1st Edition of Stage I – Development Year. Enrollment is open as early as 01.02.2023! We cordially invite you to learn more about the program and enroll!

Start of the 1st edition of the Development Year – September 2023

Lodz Gestalt School cordially invites you to participate in the 1st edition of the Development Year! Recruitment to the Lodz Gestalt School for the September edition is now open. We start with the Development Year exactly on 14.09.2023. The Development Year will begin with four days of interpersonal training with elements of integration and psychoeducation. For more information about Stage 1, please visit our website under Gestalt School Recruitment. A ready-made schedule with a detailed schedule of dates is sent by email.

In addition, we would like to inform you that more editions of the development year are planned for the following months. Recruitment will continue throughout the year, and editions will appear periodically. Information on further calls, will be supplemented on our website under the news tab, when the earlier groups are assembled. And if, you need to know more about the next editions, feel free to contact us:

  • At phone number: 575 591 555

Don’t miss out on recruitment and learn more today! We are operating from 01.02.2023!

You are cordially invited to sign up!