Peter Philippson - new workshop at the Lodz Gestalt School: Shame and guilt in the Gestalt approach | 15-16.10.2024

Peter Philippson – new workshop at the Lodz Gestalt School: Shame and guilt in the Gestalt approach

Excellent news for all those eager to sign up for the workshop on aggression, but still want to experience in person how Peter Philippson works! Given the huge interest in the workshop with Peter, we are launching the registration for the next one, as we have no more places for the previous one! We were taken by surprise, but we are prepared! 😃

Peter Philippson’s new gestalt workshop on shame and guilt:

Many articles on shame focus on the actions of people who shame others. But what is the meaning of shame and guilt for the person who feels it? What is the difference between shame and guilt? What is the relationship to aggression? During the workshop we will look at these issues through theory presentation, discussion, demonstration and group process.

Peter Philippson – experience:

Peter has worked as a psychotherapist for 36 years. He is a former president of the International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy. Peter is the author of Self in Relation, pub. Gestalt Journal Press, “The Emergent Self,” ed. Karnac/UKCP, “Gestalt Therapy: Roots and Branches” pub. Karnac and “The ‘Active Principle’ in Gestalt Therapy and Other Essays,” and co-authored many chapters and articles.

He is a teacher (4th dan) and student of traditional Aikido. His books combine his more than 30 years of experience as a Gestalt psychotherapist, his philosophical studies, Aikido, and his interest in modern science, especially neuroscience. He draws on his extensive knowledge of chaos theory, quantum mechanics, mathematics, Zen Buddhism and Gestalt psychotherapy theory to expertly introduce readers to the concept of the self as an emergent process.

Application form and more organizational information available here.