Lena Grigoryeva in the Team of Lodz Gestalt School!
We are proud to introduce another person who joins the School’s team on a permanent basis!
Lena Grigoryeva is a certified Gestalt psychotherapist (Professional Training in Gestalt Therapy/ Moscow Gestalt Institute), supervisor (Italian Gestalt Institute), co-founder of Minsk Gestalt Institute ltd (Belarus), trainer, supervisor, manager of international training programs, author and trainer of the specialized training program “Sexual Diversity and Gender Identity: a Gestalt Approach”. She is the president of the Belarusian National Public Association of Personality-Oriented Psychotherapists. Lena is also director of L-club| Center for Personal Development ltd (Belarus) and director of New Gestalt Voices in the UK.
The New Gestalt Voices organization plays a significant role in Gestalt ecology, bringing together various fields, including education, therapy, health, administration and business. NGV is committed to pushing the boundaries of the Gestalt approach in response to various contemporary issues. These issues range from harnessing the collective wisdom of the team in the workplace to providing affordable therapeutic solutions for health workers and communities. The NGV is also dealing with complex climate change issues at the international level. The organization seeks to apply what Gestalt founder Paul Goodman called “sociotherapy.”
Now, due to the increasingly difficult political context in Belarus, which often prevents real psychotherapy, Lena has had to leave the country. We are very happy that Lena chose Poland and Lodz as her place of residence and decided to co-found the Lodz Gestalt School. Initially, Lena will be responsible for providing substantive support to our projects, liaising with foreign trainers and contacting the EAGT paving the way for our accreditation.
Lena, welcome to the Lodz Gestalt School team! We are extremely happy!