Team integration meeting

“I become in contact with You; in becoming I say You. Every real life is an encounter.”
(Martin Buber, Source: I and You, 1928)
We had a beautiful time as a team recently! As the Staff of the Lodz Gestalt School, we are preparing with full commitment for the start of classes in September and other projects, but we are also finding a space where we can stop, at least for a while, and just be with each other. We get to know each other, talk to each other, learn from each other. We know how important it is to relax and maintain relationships. We care about being close to each other, so in addition to regular, intensive, full-on meetings, we allow ourselves to take a breather, to be together, and that’s exactly the kind of time we had recently. We are committed to, creating a fully integrated, supportive team based on a beautiful relationship.
There was a lot of laughter, but also extremely valuable conversations. It was undoubtedly valuable time together. We enjoy being with and for each other!