The Gestalt Workshop: For Psychotherapists of Other Modalities is a series of group work aimed at those working in a different modality than Gestalt.

We would like to invite you to the workshop Gestalt: Workshop Process for Psychotherapists of Other Modalities with Dominika Plisiecka, which you can consider when looking for Gestalt development classes in the form of “free choice”.

Gestalt workshop: workshop process for psychotherapists of other modalities – Dominika Plisiecka

Moderator: Dominika Plisiecka

Deadline: : 20.10.2023 – 24.03.2024

Number of hours: 86 clock hours (5 sessions)

Place: Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz

Cost: PLN 4,300 (spread in installments)

Applications: Please send FORM to the following email address: [email protected]

Workshop Description:

The workshop process for psychotherapists of other modalities is an intensive form of group work aimed at therapists working in other modalities than Gestalt, but also at psychologists, educators working in the area of support. The course of the workshop is planned for 5 intensive meetings, during which participants will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge and basic skills to conduct therapeutic processes in accordance with the methodological assumptions of Gestalt psychology. The program of the workshop emphasizes basic theoretical considerations, but especially the personal development of the participants, as well as their working techniques and the possibility of intervisit consultation.

The purpose of the workshop is to create the basic conditions for practical enrichment of methods of psychotherapeutic work with elements of the Gestalt trend. We send the schedule of meetings by email. Participants in the workshop, upon completion, will receive a certificate confirming their participation in the training.

A full description of the workshop, dates, registration and other organizational information is available HERE.