Ewelina Paszkiewicz - Pietruczuk Coordinator of the Lodz Gestalt School - I am a psychologist by training, and I am responsible for coordinating the work.

Coordinator of the Lodz Gestalt School

Ewelina Paszkiewicz Pietruczuk - Lodz Gestalt School | trainer's photo

I am a psychologist by training, and although I took my first steps in the Penitentiary, supporting prisoners in their daily difficulties, life has written me a different professional script.

I have been involved with the School of Psychotherapy for several years and feel that this is my right path. For 6 years I worked at the School of Gestalt Psychotherapy in Warsaw, where I handled all administrative issues.

At the Lodz Gestalt School, I am responsible for coordinating the work of coaches and administration, as well as collecting procedural knowledge related to the proper functioning of the School. In addition, I am in charge of creating documentation and schedules for both staff and students. I approach my work at the Lodz Gestalt School with great curiosity and commitment. I am a person who is sincere, open and attentive to other people.