Jacek Panster is a certified psychotherapist at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto (2004), EAGT-certified teacher/supervisor.

Jacek Panster | Lodz Gestalt School

Jacek Panster is a certified psychotherapist at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto (2004) with EAGT certification, a teacher/supervisor of Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy (DSP) and a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapy (IBMT) 3-year program. He holds a coaching recommendation from the Polish Psychological Association. He has many years of experience gained as a training trainer at the Gestalt Counselling Center and the Wielkopolska School of Gestalt Psychotherapy.

Jacek Panster conducts individual psychotherapy in Krakow on a daily basis, where he integrates relational body/movement work in the Gestalt current. In the area of group work, she conducts original developmental workshops, trainings for therapist-practitioners, also in cooperation with friendly gestaltists/training centers.

In training, he promotes engaged learning (learning) through embodied inquiry, which integrates cognitive processes with bodily experience. The classes are an opportunity for the co-creation of knowledge, in a process of dialogue, taking into account the diverse personal and professional experiences of the participant(s).